Chapter 1

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You can see what Revena is wearing at .

If you've seen the movie Four Brothers, well done, you're awesome, and you know what should be happening in the story.

If not, you're still awesome but you should go watch the movie. So in the story you are probably gonna read, there will be swearing.. Lots of it. But ya, just a warning. :)


"I don't see why you're freaking out over this!" Jack said as he followed me in to the tour bus.

"I'm 'freaking out'" I said putting air quotes around freaking out, "because every time we go to a new gig, you're sucking face with some random chick!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

"Well.. Hi to you guys too." Garrett, the drummer, said when Jack slammed the door to the bus closed.

We ignored him and continued to argue and glare at each other.

"Jesus fucking christ Revena, don't act like you've never had a one night stand or a fling with anyone!" Jack yelled.

"Jack, I was fucking drunk and it happened twice. You should know, he was YOUR best friend!" I screamed back.

He stared at me. I didn't back down. I'm not someone who just drops things. Jack knew that I had a fling with his best friend, Nate, in high school. We had a huge fight when that happened, but he got over it, we just decided never to talk about it again. I guess I didn't listen to that last detail.

"I thought we weren't talking about that ever again." He said through clenched teeth.

I laughed.

"Ya, and I didn't think that you would fuck every whore you found." I shook my head and went to sit by Kyle, the bass player.

I put my feet up on a small table we had in the middle of the room that we moved if we wanted to do something.

"Look," Jack sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "I'm sorry. I'll try not to take every girl I see backstage and, quote, suck her face off." He smirked at the end, quoting me.

I looked down with a small smile and laughed. I looked up at him and stood up to hug him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We hugged and I let go to sit back on the couch, before I could sit, I heard a knock on the bus door.

Jack opened the door and some bleach blond chick jumped on him, hugging him to death. My eyes went wide. He invited some RANDOM CHICK to come to our bus. Wow. Nice. I'm so fucking glad.

I looked at her, then him, he looked at me and I shook my head and turned to walk to our bedroom. I stomped into the room and shut the door/curtain thingy. It sucks when you're pissed off and there's nothing for you to slam..

I heard Garrett tell the girl she had to leave and that we were all busy. She whined and said that 'Jacky' invited her. Whore.

Kyle and Garrett finally got her to leave and I heard someone coming toward the room.

"If that's Jack then don't bother coming in here!" I threw my body on the bottom bunk and smushed my face into a pillow.

I heard the curtain thingy open and someone sat next to me.

"Are you crying?" Jack asked quietly.

I turned over and looked at him.

"Babe please. Crying. Me. Over you? Nope." I rolled my eyes and got up walking over to the other side of the room, which didn't really help considering I'm on a fucking bus and the rooms are like 2 feet by 2 feet.

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