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Welcome to the world of reviews! Our book reviews are reviewed by at least 3-5 people, oftentimes exceeding that. Our book review days are Tuesday's and Thursday's, however, sometimes we fall behind schedule.

Our book reviews include the following ratings:

Overall: The overall review is tallied based on the entirety of your book. We only read the first 3-5 chapters because we have a lot of book reviews piled up, so if you want your book reviewed based on a certain number of chapters, you'll have to request that with the book club directly in our inbox.

Strong Points: The best parts about your book based on description, dialogue, etc.

Weak Points: The weak points that need improvement.

Story Progression: Is your plot clear? Does it get straight to the point? This rating is based on backstory, storyline, and your ability to pull the readers in.

Dialogue: This rating is based on the conversations, description around the conversations, and their layout.

Detail: This is based on the description in the story; settings, description of characters without visual aids, transitions into different scenes, and your ability to make the reader feel captivated into your story.

Character: Your ability to make lovable and hateable characters, their backstories, and the depth of them. Are they unique? Are they someone people can relate to?

Please understand that we do not accept rude comments. They will be deleted. Our reviews are unbiased and strictly based on the opinions of the readers. If you no longer want your review in this book, it can be removed. However, once it's removed, we will not re-publish it! We appreciate all submissions and we aim to give only honest reviews so that it will help evolve your skills as a writer.

We do not review books that aren't submitted. Any submissions are allowed, whether it's by a fan or the author directly. We do not search for books to review.

The only way to get a review is if you request it on our website, in our bio. There is a WAITING LIST currently, therefore after your submission, you will still have to wait for your turn. If you do not see your book on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, you are most likely further down on the list. Please be patient.


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