2.2. Intrepid

41 7 10

Today the rain mourns,as it seeks to wash my weakness away,The calamity I stumbled throughmocks me

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Today the rain mourns,
as it seeks to wash my weakness away,
The calamity I stumbled through
mocks me.
And after every passing second of reminiscencing
his artifical amiability
breaking through all those days,
with not the slightest crack shivering,
I recall patching it up with an oblivious gesture.

Now I believe the blame lies on him,
For I'm a human too;
I've the will that can be torn
after watching two brothers fight;
Twenty-five years of friendship shrinking
into the vacuity
we all shall someday blindly fall into.

Because I never had any hand in this,
So why should I be the one to suffer?
I can't let another
Or an edge of an obscure cliff,
Or a burning chasm
abrade the remainder of the ruins I call life.

By: Shaily.K


Footnote: So, I have heard that real experiences have a great impact on our thinking process, our ability to process life. Hence today, whatever the poems portray has its origin from my life. I can only say that I was very much attached to one of my professors; he was my father, literally.

We never had any heart-to-heart talk, but we both knew each other's worth. Since my family never played the essential part, he substituted them. Suddenly, one day, he left the teaching institution (where he was a partner), and resolved to never return. But somehow he felt guilty for leaving us in our last year, and he came back to teach us, only us, to the end of high school. The period between his departure and arrival was...agony.

The reason of his leave was his other partner, between whom a fight occured. 25 years of friendship went waste.

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