chapter 1: the first meeting

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“Jesus Christ.” Fay complained to himself as he finished dragging yet another large box inside his new apartment, unpacking all of this was going to take hours he had already set up most of his furniture on his own but he still had way too much stuff for someone who hated shopping, when did he even get all of these things. Fay sighed, settling down in the middle of the large living room and going through a large box he started his new career tomorrow he was going to start modeling, he had been walked up to quite a few times, although he couldn’t quite see why they had wanted him he wasn’t anything special the boy clipped his navy blue bangs back with a large barrette that had hello kitties face on it, not that he would ever let anyone of importance see him like this, he was feeling dirty but he still continued to unpack things, checking his cellphone the clock read 9:06 pm causing fay to groan loudly, not like his neighbors could hear him either way, which is how he liked it, he chose this apartment because it was in a quiet neighborhood with a good reputation, the size was amazing even though he was the only person living there. It had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a spacious kitchen and living room all the floors were a dark red hardwood, but despite all of the luxuries the real reason he chose it was because it was far away from his past. Fay shivered slightly before returning his attention to the boxes and quickly suppressing his bad memories.

Tyler was sat at a small coffee shop, he was set to meet the new model he would be working with today in this shop but he was nervous for some reason, it could be that he had never worked with male models before so he was unsure of what to expect or it could be that this was going to be his very first project. He hoped the man he got to work with would be easy to talk to and not completely stuck up, he groaned slightly resting his face in his hands. No matter how he looked at it this was going to be a challenge for him especially if this kid turns out to be an ass. “Please don’t be an ass, I need this job.” Tyler half whispered into his coffee cup which was now almost half empty.

The man’s musings were interrupted by another man approaching his table cautiously, he was slight and willowy, his skin was as pale as snow and his eyes glittered slightly as he spoke his dark blue hair hung slightly past his eyebrows which Tyler noted were quite well manicured, shit hes one of those pretty boys isn’t he? Tyler thought to himself, hes probably just lost or some shit Tyler thought to himself annoyed with the man who was staring at him. “Can I help you?” he asked but he couldn’t keep the annoyed tone out of his voice, he wasn’t this irritable usually but he was a bit too on edge waiting for the man to get here.

“uhm..” the other man started “did you not hear me?” he asked his voice was quiet, he reminded Tyler of an injured puppy instead of a douchey pretty boy he had initially thought him to be, he hadn’t meant to be as rude as he had been and now he felt bad.

“Uh no I didn’t sorry can you repeat what you said?” Tyler asked trying to soften his tone slightly

The other man cleared his throat awkwardly; “I asked if you were Tyler Reynolds...” the man trailed off. Shit, Tyler had already made a bad first impression on the man this was not going well. Usually Tyler had no problems with figuring out how to talk to people he was a very confident and outgoing guy but when he was put in a situation where he had very little information to pull something impressive off with he couldn’t help being a bit agitated.

Quickly realizing that he had not yet replied to the man Tyler cleared his throat too, “yes I am, you can call my Tyler or ty if you’d like.” He stood up and shook the other boys hands, his fingers were ice cold compared to Tyler’s overly warm ones, the other man had a very weak handshake which put Tyler off slightly as he gestured for the other man to take a seat. “Would you like anything?” Tyler asked trying to ease the awkward tension.

“No thank you I prefer to not eat before things like this.” The other man stated folding his hands on the top of the table, this threw Tyler for a loop but he understood that the man was nervous but didn’t want to quite voice it aloud; Tyler knew this because he had been in this situation many times before. Tyler smiled at him attempting to be friendly the other man attempted to smile back but it faltered a little. Shit.

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