Too Much Makeup [Part 1]

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Mika eyed himself in the mirror adoringly. His cute pink pumps, knee high black flowy skirt, coral pink tank, and black wrap suited his well built body perfectly. Feeling a bit daring today, he shuffled through his secret drawer hidden below his bed and pulled out pink frilly underwear. Shivers ran through his body as he imagined the feeling of walking around town while wearing such lewd underwear. He slid them on, feeling the small piece of fabric gently tickle him on the way up. His bulge wasn't big but it wasn't small either, so it was uncomfortable having to snug it in so it wouldn't be obvious under his skirt. He decided today he'd wear his favorite blonde wig. He loved the way the curls were so bouncy and full of volume. Of course, he wished he could grow out his own hair so he didn't have to bother buying wigs, but his father would probably call him homophobic slurs and other hurtful things. Probably would also throw him out. He sighed at such a thought, then proceeded to brush out his wig and style it. "I wish I was brave enough to tell everyone my hobby. Even if I risked losing them, I could feel content that I had the courage to be myself..." He frowned, "I'm just a coward. I don't want to be alone..." He finished styling his wig and put it on. "Beautiful...." Lovingly he stroked his hair. "Now for the final touch, make-up!" After about 10 minutes he put on a bit too much make-up. "I look like a clown, but if I'm not careful I'll be found out. At best I'll look like a instaglam model. Works for me!" He smirked at his own little joke and hid away all of his things in case his father came home. He never did, but better safe than sorry. "Time for a movie to treat myself...haha...ah..." With one final check in the mirror, his eyes were dull. "That's not pretty. I need to smile! I look gorgeous!" He slapped his cheeks lightly and walked out the door.

12:33 PM Jameston High

Mika was sitting amongst his friends at the cafeteria "Felicity is quite the slut. All I asked her to do was suck my cock. And you know what she did? She gave me a titjob! Man!" Julius slapped the table laughing and the table rattled. "I don't get it, what's the problem?" Harvey asked. "I asked for one simple thing, and she outdid herself! What part can't you understand dumbass!" Julius punched Harvey in the arm. "OW EASY MAN! That's my jack off hand!" "My bad, when no girl wants to hook up with you, that hand will save your life." Harvey scowled at Julius but didn't retort. He knew if he did, he'd get one good beating. "So little man, how're you doing with the ladies ah?" Mika dreaded having to answer this, but knowing what Julius is capable of, he decided his best option was to lie. "Well~ Unlike Harvey over here, I've got the pack!" Julius smugly looked over at Harvey and back at Mika. "How many? And who. How do I know you're not lying to us little man. You know I hate liars." Mika held back a gulp, and tried to remain as cool as possible. "Three but that's still more than Harvey. Only one goes to our school though. The others are older women." He proudly bowed as if he did something commendable. "I'll let you off with the two other women comment, but details on the girl at our school." Julius pointed a fork near Mika's face. Mika didn't want to screw someone over, but there was no way he could avoid calling someone out. His palms and back were quite sweaty with nervousness. 'I have to think of someone fast! Maybe all I have to do is look around the cafeteria and point out any girl....I hope this works!' Grinning, he turned his head and began scanning the area. Julius was getting impatient. "If you're lying to me, I'll be sure to knock your teeth in." Mika nodded and his eyes were shaking with panic. As if to make the situation more stressful, Julius began counting down. "10,9,8-" Mika pointed at a green eyed brunette haired girl. "It was her!" He squeezed his eyes shut in shame for bringing an innocent person into this sick game. "Hooo. Ivy Mcoy huh. I didn't take her as someone who'd just give her body to anyone. Interesting." Julius slapped Mika on the back in a friendly gesture. "ATTA BOY! She's not exactly a ten, but better than nothing. Right Harvey?" Harvey sneered and continued finishing his meal with no reply. 'I'm so sorry Ivy Mcoy...I'm so sorry....' Mika and Harvey finished the rest of their lunch in silence since Julius loved talking about himself so much.

2:47 PM

Mika placed his things in his locker and closed it. Still standing at his locker, he placed his forehead on it. 'Knowing Julius he's probably going to confront her. I should apologize to her, but what should I say. Sorry that I said I had sex with you? I'm such an idiot. I was just so scared. Why am I such a coward.' A small sigh escaped his lips.

"Hey you." A sudden voice from behind made Mika jump. He turned around to see who the owner of it was. Green emerald eyes stared back at him. They were the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He wishes he was born with the same color. "Are you listening?" The girl asked. Woken from his daydreaming, he realized who was talking to him. Dread and regret brought him back to reality. Ivy..."Yes...I'm listening..." He squeezed his hands to prepare himself for what's about to happen. "I heard from Julius you told him that you slept with me, is that correct?" Mika's legs were weak, he felt like he was going to fall, but had just enough strength to stay standing. "I... I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY, HETHREATENEDtoknockmyteethoutandsinceimweakandcantpr...." What was once yelling became quiet mumbling as tears dripped down his face. Ivy grasped a golden lock of his hair between her fingers. "Do you feel bad or are you proud of what you said?" Mika's eyes now red and puffy, "I REGRET IT!" A few people stared and whispered to each other because of Mika's sudden yelling. "First just calm down okay. Unless you want to be the talk of the school. " Ivy patted his head like you would a dog. He nodded, and tried to control his sniffling. "Julius Freel is a prick. Plain and simple. So I see why you would be scared of him. I'm not mad." Mika's shoulders fell with relief. "However. I'm also not pleased to be labeled as easy throughout the school. Guys have been looking at me quite perverted all day. Now what should I do." She sighed, and Mika's body stiffens in despair. "I'm so sorry...." He softly says. Ivy holds back a smirk as she looks at such a defenseless puppy. Excitement rushes through her, but she manages to contain herself and pull off a stern look. "I'm troubled really." Mika looks up teary eyed, "I'LL DO ANYTHING IF YOU'LL JUST FORGIVE ME!" It felt like their audience grew bigger because of his yelling. "Come with me." She walked away at a steady pace, him following behind.

They went inside an empty classroom, and she sat down in one of the seats. "What's your name short stuff." She inclined her head on her hand. "Mika...Lewus." He shuddered from the way her eyes scanned his entire body. Was she just seeing who her defamer was, or was there something more to it. "Mika. Cute." A smile played across her lips. "Mika Lewus. You'll be seeing me more in your life from now on. Are you fine with that?" He shifted the position of his body uncomfortably. The way she was staring at him couldn't exactly be described. But if he had to use just a saying, it'd be 'Predator Vs. Prey'. Nonetheless he really had no choice, he took part in gossip and possibly ruined her reputation. Guilt ran through him again. "Yes..." He managed to let out weakly. Her eyes turned into upward slits. "My friend, you either made the best choice in your life, or the dumbest." She got up out of her seat and brushed past him. He didn't expect that. "Aren't you upset with me?" Mika asked. Ivy turned around and smirked at him, "Very upset~. However I need to do some preparing before I get more involved with you. So be a nice doggy and wait for your master patiently." Mika was stunned with what she just said. 'Doggy? Master?' Ivy loved his confused expression, she wanted to distort it. Make him cry, to beg for her. But it was too early for that. She opened the classroom door and left without another word. "What did I get myself into..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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