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Ashton's Pov

"You can't just think it's over, you still owe me the god damn money." He pushed me. "I'm trying." I hissed.

"You're a pathetic drunk." He spat.

"I told you I'm trying." I said, taking a step forward. Luke stared at me. "Fuck you." He said shaking his head, "I'm giving you two days." He walked out the door slamming it behind him. I looked around my small apartment. I had a ugly couch and a kitchen. I owed Luke about $15,000 because he bailed me out of jail. I didn't have a job or even god damn education. I walked to the kitchen and took out a bottle of beer. My head was already spinning and I didn't have anything to drink all day. I walked back to couch and sat down. I bounced my leg thinking of how I could get that money. 'I could sell crack.' I thought. "Nah." I said aloud. I sat back and kept bouncing my leg. I decided I needed to get out. I grabbed my old flip phone. I got this thing for $20 at a Apple Store. I dialed Michael's number and waited for a answer. "Hello?" He slurred. I rolled my eyes. "Mike, I need a favor."


Lol I know this sucks but I'm trying.

Anyway if people actually read this thank you like holy fuck.

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