Chapter 2

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"Scar, wake up! We're here," I heard Hannah say.  I just snuggled closer into the seat. I didn't know what she was talking about. I think I may have spent the night with her last night.

"Wake up! We're at the airport!"

The airport? Oh, yeah. The memories came flooding back to me. I realized my head was laying on someone's shoulder. I looked up...Jackson. Oh my gosh! Ew! I sat up quickly and punched his skinny little shoulder.

He smiled. "Good morning, sleeping beauty!"

"What the hell!?" I screamed at him. Erik, Jackson, and Hannah started doubling over, laughing.

Not funny. So not funny.

I sat up and brushed off my jean shorts which had nothing on them. I don't know, it's just a habit I have.

"We have now landed in the Dublin airport. Now please, gather your things and exit," the captain said. We walked quickly out the door since we didn't really bring any luggage. 

Hannah took my hand. "This place is really beautiful," she said when we stepped out of the big front doors. Ireland was a beautiful country. It was a very green country with pretty hills and flowers everywhere. It was a very nature themed, cozy, country.

"Okay guys, we're going to have to get on a boat to get to the Haven Islands," Erik said, motioning for us to follow to the parking lot.

"Why don't we have like a cab or something?" Hannah asked, pointing to all the people getting into busses and cabs.

"The gaurds always make sure they bring over a car so that the people in the cabs won't ever figure out where we're going. That would be too much of a risk. We don't want to have to kill curious, but innocent, humans." Jackson explained.

We walked over to a cool, red, jeep.  

About five minutes into the ride, Jackson turned on the radio and Call Me Maybe turned on. Just great. I had heard that song about five million times and I didn't want to hear yet again.

I sat, solemnly, looking out at the beautiful feilds of flowers while Erik drove and Hannah and Jackson sang with their not-too-good voices. Lovely.

"How long is it from here?" I asked Erik. I was sitting in the front. He seemed I asked once more.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I  was just thinking. It's about fifteen minutes to the harbor," he said, embarrassed.

"May I ask what you're thinking about?"

"It's nothing, really," he said. I could tell he was lying.

"Yes, it was definitely something. You can tell me," I said, touching his arm.

"I was thinking about my wife. She hasn't seen me in a long time, that's all."

"Why hasn't she seen you?" I asked. I saw a flash of pain in his eyes and his face hardened.

"She was kidnapped by the Elmwood Nature Benders along with many other people that lived in Haven palace," he explained. I realized we were using mind speak.

"Why would they want to do that?" I asked, wondering if this was a good idea to come back to this place.

He sighed, "Yes, well, the Elmwoods never really got along with us. They wanted our power for so long, so they decided to attack and see if they could get it, but luckily they didn't succeed, but they did succeed with taking prisoners," he said as he turned a sharp turn.

"Almost there!" Jackson yelled from the backseat. He brought us out of mind speak immediately.

He could be so annoying,

We pulled into the old harbor. I stepped out and skipped over to the only boat that was there. This was a run down place. On the side of the boat it said THE RUSTER. What an unsual name...

I could see how it would be called THE RUSTER though. It was pretty rusty and really small. If I was supposedly royal, then why would I be riding in this? I should get a cruise ship.

"Because we need to remain inconspicuous," Erik said inside my head. Oh, he heard me. I need to control that mind speak thing. It could end up getting out of control.

"Erik, is someone driving this thing?" I asked when I didn't see a person...or captain I should say.

"I know how to drive it."

We were speaking aloud now. I think. Yeah, we were.

The ocean breeze sprayed in my face and it felt good, but after a second it got annoying because the salt made my hair feel weird and stick together. Hannah was starting to get annoyed.

"Princess, you know you can make that stop!" Erik called over his shoulder.

"What? How?"

"Just command it to and hold out your hand, but you have to feel it inside," he said. It sounded cheesy, but I did it anyway.

"Stop it water!" I felt the anger inside and it stopped, forming a barrier around the edges of the boat. That was unexpected and cool. I was beginning to like this. I know I sound like I'm bipolar.

An hour later, we saw land in the distance. It was a very large strip of island and it looked tropical and warm, but I figured the Nature Benders had something to do with that.

Erik grew a flower in the palm of his hand and put it in my hair.

"You need to look like you at least like nature before you meet the people," Erik said.

He did the same for Hannah and Jackson. I laughed, but Jackson looked serious. I hope this wasn't a traditon. Because it was gaaay.

Maybe that was rude.

 Erik helped me onto the sandy beach and Jackson helped Hannah. Real gentlemen. No sarcasm there.

A crow of people pooled around me. And then I saw the tall, fairy tale castle in the background. 

That's when I knew I was home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2012 ⏰

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