Our Little Secret

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Calen's POV

"Come on Calen, I wanna show you something."


"just come"

"okay, fine, but we should come back soon, Mommy will be angry".

"oh come on, let those stupid mothers worry about us, I'm sure my mom and your mom don't care as long as your with me.  and don't you worry, I'll protect you".

"fine, where are you taking me anyways".

"were playing".

"in the forest? what if we get hurt, what if i trip and fall or get eaten by cute little ants, get kidnapped by aliens  or even worse, we die".

"we wont".

"you sure?"

"gah.. yes now come"


"okay okay, I promise happy? now are you coming?"


"are we there yet?".

"nope, but close."

"How bout now?"

"were getting there okay"

"oh okay, can you carry me, I'm tired".

"fine, get on my back".


"were here".

"wow this place is beautiful, are we gonna run?"

"chase me"

"no fair, you have to chase me first".


"hahahahaha ...umf"

"calen you okay?"

"yeah, I fell now my mouth is red"

"oh my god, your brother's gonna kill me. here let me kiss it better but it has to be our secret okay? ".

"Calen,  Calen you okay?" my boyfriend asked concern evident in his voice.

"uh yeah, just zoned out a bit"

"what were you thinking about"

"hm...remember when you took me on that lake?

"yeah, then I kissed you there and thus came our little secret which we made official almost a year ago. haha old days"

"yeah" i said barely in a whisper.

"I'm really sorry Calen, you know I love you so much but I'm  not ready to come out yet. I'm.scared"  he said voice cracking so I went in for a hug.

"its okay babe, I'l wait for you" I assured him.

"okay, thanks babe. now will you help me with this so we can go home now, I'm kind of hungry "


So let me introduce myself, I'm Calen Jay Scottley and I'm 5'10", I'm not that skinny but I have slight muscles, nature green eyes, pale skin and wavy blond hair. and I'm openly gay

My boyfriend, Aleksander McCall but everyone calls him Alek. Jock, yummy muscles 6'2" co-captain of the football team, silver eyes, very handsome a chick magnet,. very popular and a closet case.

I have my brother Zeke, captain of the  football team, stong muscles 6'2" were really close  and Alek's besfriend. His girlfriend Joyce is a little brunette and the shortest of us who stood 5'2" but very feisty.

My bestfriend Jim is also on the football team and also a jock with complete package. His girlfriend Eunice is a nice girl and really shy around other people but us.

me and Alek have been together now for almost a year with our anniversary coming up but he's not yet  out so our relationship is a secret only Eunice and Joyce know. We love each other so much but he's afraid of his parents finding out.

so tonight is our traditional gathering for a sleepover at my house and me and Alek are assigned for food.

"ready to go?" Alek asked after paying for our food.

"yeah, let's go"

Arriving at our house, Alek went in first and began scampering in the kitchen when my mother came down the stairs.

"we'll be out with your dad's partners tonight so have fun"

"thanks mom, dad and take care"

"k bye" dad shouted already going for the door.

After everything is set we waited for our friends to come.

leaning on the counter and watching my boyfriend's muscles while he rummaged on the cupboards would be a good way to do while waiting. after a minute of staring, i felt hands sneak through my waist and turned me then lips were planted on mine. Our lips were moving perfectly when he bit my bottom lip asking for entrance which i gladly gave him. He explored my mouth with his tounge and his hands touching every inch of my body his hands can get to when we heard footsteps coming our way. Alek jumped back faster that a cheetah when my brother evolved from the kitchen.

"everything okay?, Alek you look a little Pale"

"yeah, everything's fine just need o sleep a little. I think? so m'gonna go ahead to my room and rest" yes Alek has his own room here cause he practically lives here.

"yeah, man go rest. we still need to practice for the next game"

"k, Calen" Alek said looking at me with a faint blush..

"it's okay" i said secretly smiling and watching Alek's back as he climed upstairs into his room.

"so," zeke drawled out after we heard a slam of a door.

"what's with him?"

something doesn't feel right but i just shrugged it off thinking of it as nothing........

"I don't know, lets just get back to the others"

"so how about that secret boyfriend of yours, when do i gotta meet him?"

"ugh come on we've already talked about this. your not meeting him till he comes out of the closet"

"fine" zeke mumbled

"he clearly probably doesn't love you enough to come out" with that walked out to the other room to join our friends.

He does truly love me does he. Gah, what am I thinking, of course he loves me we've been together for like a year now. that has to mean something right?.


so, what'd you guys think of the first chapter....

this is my first time writing a story so sorry for the mistakes..

enjoy reading..

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