Chapter Seven

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Mike's POV

When I woke up, I was in the dark. Unable to move. I tried moving and found that I was chained up, probably in the basement of the abandoned house. I would call for help but I don't want a bullet placed in Lori's skull...or mine. So I kept quiet, waiting until one of the goons came in a turned on a light. I waited in complete silence in the pitch black darkness of a cold cement room, while chained up...when finally I heard a switch. The florescent lights above me flickered on, along with that buzzing sound. I squint my eyes while looking around, it was a cement room with absolutely No windows. One of the goons had come in and was looking at me while smoking a cigarette. I didn't make eye contact with him, "Where is she!?" I ask sternly. The smoking goon just snickered and took another puff from his cigarette, "Where...Is she?" I asked again more sternly than the first. The goon blew out a small cloud of smoke and looked at me, I finally made eye contact, "She's safe, just in the next room, I kept my word and she hasn't been touched since you followed instructions on coming here alone" he finished. The goon tossed his cigarette filter across the room and knelt down next to me, "But there are some things that need to be settled" he says. I stare at him, feeling terrified and angered at the same time, "So you sit tight and I'll be right back!" He exclaims. The goon stands up and turns to walk out of the room, I struggle in the chains that are chained around a thick metal pole connected to the ceiling and floor. There's no sense in struggling, I cant break out of these chains, I thought. I felt so helpless, Lori always said she felt safe with me...and I cant help her right now. I am No use to her at this moment in time. I let a dark and negative thought pop into my mind, This will be your last moment with her! Like this!, I shook my head to clean my thoughts but that dark thought still swirled in the back of my mind. The goon had finally returned with Lori, dragging her into the room and tossing her violently onto a disgusting, molded, cot. I violently fight against the chains, "HEY! DONT FUCKIN TOUCH HER LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING ANIMAL!" I scream. Lori looks over at me while sobbing, "Mike!" She yells. I needed to hold her! I need to tell her she's still safe! But then that darker thought came back into my mind. I can't help her!. I threw my head back against the cement wall trying to hold back my tears because I didn't want to look weak in front of Lori in this situation. The goon pulled in a chair from the hallway and sat next to Lori who is chained to the disgusting cot. I lift my head back up and watch the dealer staring at Lori, touching her gently with his fingertips as he gently went up and down her legs. I growled and pulled as hard as I possibly could on the chains, I drew blood from my wrists from the chains cutting my skin. The goon looks over at me with a smug face, "Awe what's wrong? Don't like when I touch your bitch like this?" He says. I lash out and pull on the chains aggressively while screaming with rage, more blood came from my wrists but I couldn't feel the pain. I could only feel the anger, I wanted nothing more than to break free of these chains and pound that bastard's face into a bloody pulp. The goon just laughed as I violently struggled with the chains. Now my wrists and arms were bloody and I felt my energy fading. Eventually I stopped fighting with the chains. The goon nodded once I finally settled, "Yeah that's probably in your best interest pretty boy! You're only wearing yourself out and gettin all bloody, so stop fightin it kid" he says as he lights up another cigarette. Lori was starting to drift off to sleep on the dirty cot. I watch her, then I watch the goon smoke that stupid cigarette looking so fuckin content with himself. I watched him blow out another puff of smoke, "What do you want?" I ask him quietly. The goon tosses me his lighter and a cigarette and I light it and smoke it. The goon was lighting his third cigarette now, I slid his lighter back to him and he nodded at me...but my answer never came, "Do what you want to me okay, beat me, kill me, I dont care but...please...Don't hurt her" I say pointing to Lori. The goon looks at her and then looks at me, "I ain't gonna kill her or hurt her kid, But I do want her to see me hurt you" he said. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath trying to control myself as best as I could. I had to find a way to convince him to take these chains off of me. Like there has to be something twisted I could say to convince him to take these chains off. I couldn't think of anything to say. I saw Lori walking up again and looking over at me, tears falling down her face.

Lori's POV

Tears were rolling down my cheeks, Mike had blood all over his arms. He had been fighting that hard. I knew this son of a bitch was going to kill him, or hurt him bad enough to kill him. I sobbed at the thought of living without Mike. The goon focused his attention from Mike, to me. He brushed his fingers through my hair, "Shhh, it'll be over soon sweet tits" he said gently as he smiled and turned back to Mike. Mike was slowly shaking his head, "You sick son of a bitch" Mike whispered. The goon had picked up a crowbar from the floor next to his chair and swung it at Mike's knee cap on his left leg. Mike screamed as the pain blinded him, just hearing him scream like that made me shut my eyes tightly and scream myself. The goon laughed and looked back at me but I wasnt watching, he refocused on Mike and took another hard swing at his shoulder. That same scream came out of Mike again, it all sounds so painful, the sound of the crowbar hitting Mike followed by his screams. But Mike never cried, he never shed a single tear but he was still in a great deal of psychical pain as the goon took another hard swing at his left elbow, "AH! FUCK!" He screamed. I kept my eyes shut and let my screams flow out of my mouth. I felt the tears on my face getting hotter as I cried more and more. I then heard the crowbar hit the ground and the goon laughing, "Now last year when the two of you got away! Most of my boys were either arrested...or killed that night...that's on you Mike you traitor" he said. Mike kept his head down not looking up at all. Finally without anymore words, the goon left the room while saying, "I'll be back boy!" He yelled. Mike was shaking a little as he let his head hit the cement wall again. I couldnt do anything to help him, I was stuck on this disgusting molded cot while Mike was bleeding, and suffering severe pain with broken bones.

Mike's POV

Some kind of boyfriend I am. Last year I get her dragged into all this shit and then let it happen again this year and I still cant help her. I sat with my head against the wall in silence, I heard Lori crying more and more. My knee was now all fucked up and broken as well as my arm and shoulder. Now I'm really no use to her. I look down at the ground and i felt a wave of hope rush over me. On the ground caught in a small gap between the cement floor and the metal pole was a then metal stick which thankfully i was able to reach. I spent the next five minutes picking at the lock on my chains...I actually laughed when I unlocked the chains and got free. I stood up on my right foot, keeping my left foot off the ground. I held onto the metal pole for support with my right hand. I limped towards Lori, and I see her eyes widen as she looks slightly relived. I begin picking the lock on her chains when she screamed, "MIKE LOOK OUT!", Without even turning around I fell to the floor and a hammer came crashing down on the cement floor right next to me, I scream as I turn on my back and slide into a corner. Lori was sitting up and picking at the lock on her chains with the thin metal stick that was left inside the lock. The goon tried taking numerous swings at me with the hammer but I somehow kept dodging them despite my aching body and broken bones. It was either I go through excruciating pain to save Lori or die trying. And I chose excruciating pain.
The goon and I kept fighting and Lori was still trying to unchain herself. The goon tried to take another swing at me with the hammer and I grabbed his wrist with my broken arm, the pain was no other pain I've experienced before. I screamed as his arm came closer and closer, I managed to throw his arm off to the side and that really fucked up my arm. Next thing I knew, Lori jumped onto his back and jabbed him in the eye with the thin metal stick. The goon screamed and threw Lori off of him. She rolled to the corner of the room, near where I had been chained up. The goon was cupping his bleeding right eye with his hand and stumbling all over the room. I picked up the hammer which lied right at my feet and swung it as hard as I could into the side of his skull. I gagged feeling the hammer break his skull open and watching chunks of blood pour out from the side. I let go of the hammer and the goon fell to the ground. Lori stood up from the ground and slowly walked toward me as I stood on only my right foot. My body still shaking. She wrapped an arm around me to help me out of the house. Once we made it outside and down the steps (which sucked going down), we got into the truck I stole. Lori jumped in the driver seat, and I was in the passenger seat, passed out as she drove to a near by hospital. She saw my wrists were still bleeding pretty bad. When I woke up again...I was in a hospital bed...with Lori by my side.

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