Chapter 26

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Soyeon POV

Finishing my explanation, I simply sit and wait silently. I can somewhat see it slowly sinking in with him as he nibbles at the food and takes the occasional sip from the sprite I'd gotten him. Though, a small smile forms on his face, leaving me baffled.

"It's funny, actually. You used to be so outgoing and got to college and got rid of it. I was the exact opposite. I was too scared to lose what little I had growing up. Stuck to the books, stuck to dance practices, worked my ass off at home and stayed quiet about all of it. I had a small group of friends, about three of them by time I was in high school. We danced together all the time, they'd come from poorer backgrounds like I did, so we all understood each other. Coming to college, that group completely broke apart. I got made fun of a lot growing up, because of how quiet I always was. People always said I thought too much and said too little. That I was weird for just sticking to the basics. It's why I became the person everyone here knows me to be. I vowed to myself I'd never go back to being that quiet kid."

I tilt my head to the side just a little, intrigued by what he's telling me. I don't know that I could ever see Hobi being the quiet person in a setting. But then again, he's the one who took me away from the party that very first night.

"We're complete opposites of each other." I whisper softly, deciding upon voicing the thought. I watch as his gaze lifts from the cookie package that he'd quit eating from, looking up to me with a small smile still set on his face.

"Yeah. I don't think I'd mind compromising on my end a bit though, knowing what's really happened and what was really going on with you. I don't wanna make you try and push to be more outgoing, and certainly not after the experiences you've had with that." Hoseok murmurs lightly. I can't help but bite my lip as a small smile curls onto my lips, hopefulness bubbling up inside of me.

"Can we fix this? Try again? Please?" I whisper nervously, hopeful but still terribly scared he'll say no. He chuckles softly though, setting everything on his bedside table before opening his arms up towards me.

"Come here, baby. You've had me in love with you since I first met you."



That's the enddddd. I hope you all enjoyed the story and thank you so much for reading to the end!!!

I love you all and hope to see you in another story soon!

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