Body Paint

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I decided on chocolate. The website I found offered everything I would need for $39.99. So, I waited until she was at work to put in my order. The package arrived on Thursday - just in time, and as soon as I opened it, I knew we were both in for a treat.

We had reservations at Leonardo's for 7:00 pm and by the time we got home at 9:00, she had that look on her face, the one that screamed for a long, sweaty sex-soaked night.

Damn, she was hot.

My sweet, sexy little cowgirl; she was my dream come true

It was her 26th birthday, but it was only the second one we'd celebrated together. Last year had been about romance and soft, sweet emotions. This year, she had quietly asked for something a little naughtier.

Of course, I'd agreed without a second's hesitation. She didn't know what I had planned, but she and I both knew this night would be one to remember.

I was tingling with excitement on the drive home. I was really going to enjoy this.

As soon as we walked through the door, I pulled her close.

"I have something for you."

She kissed me hard, her tongue slipping and sliding over mine.

"Is it time for my present?"

Her voice, so close to my lips, sent thunderbolts through my clit. And, the mischievous little smile she wore scattered thousands of butterflies through my belly.

"Yes," I replied, leaning close once again to taste her sweet lips.

"Show me," she whispered, licking the corner of my mouth.

It was her birthday and as much as I was looking forward to the next few hours, I knew I was already holding the best present of all - her.

With one last honey sweetened kiss, I took her by the hand.

Her fingers were warm and as I led her upstairs to our bedroom, she gently caressed my palm. I wanted this; maybe as much as she did, maybe more. But the instant she opened the door and spied the small wrapped box, I forgot about my own desire and focused completely on her.

With a cute little squeal of pleasure, she snatched up the box and turned to me.

"Can I open it?"

She was like a child, so excited and happy.

I smiled and nodded my approval.

In seconds, she was holding the three small bottles of chocolate paint and the soft edible paintbrush that accompanied them.

"You remembered..."

Her voice was hushed, almost reverent.

I smiled.

"So you like it?" I asked, loving the look of pure joy in her eyes.

"Oh yeah, I like..."

While she examined her present, I thought back to how this all started. The body paint idea was hers, but not directly. The topic came up a few months ago when she stumbled on a website dedicated to professional artists using beautiful nude women as their canvas.

"Check it out honey, this is too cool."

Her voice had been casual, but her sexy brown eyes were like molten lava when she whispered, "We should try that sometime..."

And, that was as far as we'd gotten. Nothing more was said, but I never forgot that look in her eyes.

So when she asked for something naughty, my mind flashed back to that night and I decided to see if I could recreate the heat behind that look.

Body Paint Where stories live. Discover now