The Short Version (A Batman: The Dark Knight Rises John Blake Fanfic)

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'Robin John Blake, an angry little kid looking for a new start, met Philomena Rose Morgan, a bi-Polar computer genius, a few months before he signed up for the police academy.' Is how Edward and Ester Blake start their respected children's favourite story. 

It's only the short version of course because the actual one would take hours and their kids are only young, maybe when they're older they'll tell the full one. Explain to them every detail, the imperfections and the cracks and the beauty. The pain no child should hear and the love adults would nod their head at and want deep inside. But they tell their kids the short version instead because It's less riddled with the painful decisions heroes have to make, It's more laced with love and chance meetings and happy endings.

Ester Blake holds her daughter as she watches her eyes go wide and Edward Blake watches as his son and daughter react the heroic scenes of saving the day and making peace.

They think of their parents and smiling comes easy.


 He'd met her a few months before he signed up for the police academy. He'd wanted to be a policeman, he wanted to do good but his record wasn't clean. Theft, vandalism, assault. His slate wasn't clean. He was an angry kid (still was if he was being honest, he'd just gotten better at hiding it, putting on that mask to shield it from view) when he'd done that, he grew up. He wanted to start again. Be better than what the world thought of him. They'd, all his life, seen him as an angry orphan who'd end up dead in a gutter some day. He wanted better than that.


Robin John Blake, an angry little kid looking for a new start, met Philomena Rose Morgan, a bi-Polar computer genius, a few months before he signed up for the police academy.


He can't remember now how he convinced her to do it but once he asked she'd stared at him, sizing him up, debating whether he was worth going to prison for, but Philomena loved a challenge so she'd stepped closer to John and shaken his hand, a grin spreading across her face like the Cheshire cat from Alice In Wonderland.

Philomena Rose Morgan had managed to clean his record in a day and a half. The first day was getting the codes and hacking the files (as well as laughing at how many offences John had committed, he'd actually blushed and shooed her back to work which she'd done willingly) and the second was erasing them. There was no longer an angry boy called Robin but a man seeking a good job called John.

They'd hugged when she'd announced that she'd finished and it was the first hug either of them had received in years. Because John didn't do touching like that and Philomena pushed and prodded people until they left her because trust and commitment made her sick.

They'd stayed in touch while John trained. They'd stayed in touch as Philomena lazily hacked into files and documents while she was bored.

They'd celebrated when John graduated. They drank and smoked for hours on the ratty, worn couch in Philomena's apartment.

It didn't take them long to get attached to each other, they clung on as tightly as they could because they were afraid they were too fucked up for anyone else to love.

They lived within walking distance of each other but John spent most of his time at Philomena's because he liked her ratty, worn couch. It felt more like a home than any foster home he'd been forced into to.

('Three.' John answered when Philomena asked how many homes he went to before the boys home although she already knew, she wanted to hear him say it. Wanted to push him to see if he'd stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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