quick maffs

18 1 16

my current prediction for the length of Comet is 40 chapters long.

Assuming that I can write an average of 2 chapters per week (spending 3 days per chapter), then it would take me 20 weeks to write all 40 chapters.

But wait! There's more.

Let's say that every three weeks, I write an additional chapter. Using the formula of 40/7 (6 (2 chapters per week times 3 weeks) plus 1 (the additional chapter)), we get a number which roughly rounds up to 6 additional chapters.

If we take away the 6 additional chapters from the typical 40 chapters to write, we come out to 34 chapters, which is then divided by 2 (chapters being written per week). The quotient of this equation is 17.

Henceforth, it would take roughly 17 weeks to write Comet, assuming I am fully productive and not busy for probably all of summer. Of course, these 17 weeks need a margin of error, which I'd assume to be about 2 weeks.

The real problem here?

My summer vacation is only 11 weeks— and that's even rounded up.

And I haven't even finished the storyboard for Comet.

Uh oh.

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