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A little house in the forest

One rented, never bought

Sat all alone in it's decay

In a forest that's mostly forgot

But if you get it's name

And go inside to explore

You'll get to see the many wonders

That you've never seen before

You'll enter inside a dreamland

One that you just can't forget

You'll enter inside their land

The gate before the pit

But there's one little destination

That stands above them all

More than the lake that's a grave to most

There's The Mother, making her call

"Come here to me, lost one,

For I have a room to spare.

Come here to me, lost one,

My lovely lodging you can share."

You'll giggle inside

And you'll believe her too

And you'll walk inside next

Just like I said you would do

Then you'll notice some pictures

They're lovely on the wall

Each one more grotesque

All speaking on curses and their falls

One is of an old man

With his hand burning red

He's staring at you mad

He's thinking in his head

Another portrait is of a woman

Her face has no love

Her arms are thin and long 

She's looking from above

The third frame is an elderly woman

Her eyes are a little empty

She's smiling with a sweet face

But you know she's not friendly

You'll see all these people

And you'll shiver at their sight

But The Mother is showing you her art

And she hopes it's in your delight

Then you'll find a bed

And in it you will rest

You'll wake up in the morning from nightmares

One after the next

You'll then proceed to walk down the halls

And once again look in what's framed

But you'll realize they were only windows

And you've seen the faces of the ashamed.

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