Chapter one.

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  Rubber soles clashed with the pristine white tiles and longs legs took a turn around a corner, brown eyes scanning over the many numbers that marked a patient's room.

Jaehyun fished the skinny slip of crinkled paper out of his pocket and studied the digits scribbled across before tucking it back away. Room 304. He'd been wandering around the empty halls for a good twenty minutes now and he was starting to grow frustrated. Loosening his grip on the stems of the daisies, he emitted a deep sigh and faltered in his pace to match a more leisurely one.

After winding up another flight of stairs, his hope grew when he saw the rows of wooden doors that all started with the number three. He was in luck. Mumbling under his breath as he passed each door, his gaze caught a plaque with fading numbers that resembled 304, but due to his haste, he failed to notice laminated schedule that hung off the wood and covered the last number: 7.

Darting in without a moment of hesitation, Jaehyun was all dimples and smiles; expecting to see a warm and familiar face. However, he stopped in his tracks when he saw a small boy huddled up by the large open window. He could only blink, a confused frown etching across his chapped lips.

Said boy seemed to notice, upper torso turner and his legs to follow by swinging off the window seat. " I have a visitor?" He asked in a gentle voice that made Jaehyun's breath hitch in his throat. The petite male's bare feet landed on marble flooring and he took graceful steps froward. Breaking into an angelic grin, he nibbled on his bottom lip and proceeded to whisper. " No one has come to visit me..well, except the nurses of course..but no one by their own free will."

The brunette didn't know what to do. He was about to excuse himself, saying he had the wrong room, but something about this stranger seemed to call to him. Maybe it was because he said no one came to visit him, or maybe it was the way his doll-like eyes seemed to shimmer with happiness. "Well, surprise?" He cleared his throat, extending his left hand that held the white flowers. Might as well give them to him now.

The shorter took them, bringing them up close to his face so he could inhale the enthralling scent. " Really? For me. I love daisies. Reminds me of spring and new beginnings." A melodic chuckle rumbled past his throat and he clutched the plants close before rushing off the fill the dusty vase that inhabited the beside table.

Jaehyun stood awkwardly, rubbing up his arm as he shifted his weight on his left foot. "As do I..they're pretty. What's your name by the way?"

His back staying turned, the sound of rushing water filled the room and the one being questioned turned his head over his shoulder to answer. "Taeyong. My name is Taeyong. And you?"


" Oh, really? You look like a Jeffrey, to me. " Taeyong piped up and stuck the stems inside the vase, wiping the droplets of water off that happened to trickle down the sides.

Jaehyun cocked a brow, taking a step forward so he could observe the smaller better. He sure was weird..pretending like they didn't just meet for the first time. "And you happen to look like a cat and I didn't say anything." He started to smirk, watching Taeyong set the vase down by his bed.

Eyes narrowing into a harmless glare, the other crawled onto the soft matress and pulled the ugly and scratchy covers over his pair of his slim shoulders. "I do not. I look like a dangerous man. No cat here." If Jaehyun didn't know any better, it'd sound like he was whining.

" Yeah, yeah..manly man." He settled for giving a shake of his head, brown locks flying in his face. He fell silent after that, studying the walls that confined the man before him. All white, so bright and dull. How did he not go mad in such a place? And boy, wasn't Taeyong cheerful for being stuck here for god knows the reason.

Reaching out, his nimble fingers ran over the textured paint and he sighed. Why was the male like this? Feeling bad for a stranger he didn't know anything about besides his name.

"It gets lonely here. I'm not supposed to talk to anyone, really. The doctors say it'll make things harder in the future." Taeyong whispered after a while, almost positive that if he spoke louder his voice would crack. Just thinking about what they were going to do to him had a lump stuck in his throat. He clutched the bedding tighter to the point where his knuckles turned stark white.

Jaehyun moved forward like he wasn't in control of his legs and sat himself at the end of the small bed. It wasn't like the patient even noticed him, as he started to talk to himself.

" I don't want this..I don't want to be..fixed..I'm scared.." He started to tremble and his hands slipped under his pile of thick, silky hair.

Jaehyun hesitated, slowly lowering a palm onto the man's forearm. So that's why he was here. To get fixed. But how, that didn't make sense. He let him ramble, knowing he couldn't calm him with empty words. He felt the male tense under his touch, muscles flexing before relaxing once more. Brown eyes met honey copper and he saw Taeyong's shoulders slump forward in defeat.

"Hey..breathe. It's not happening right now, is it? You're safe, you're okay." For now were the words unsaid and Jaehyun offered sad smile. " What helps calm you down?"

Taeyong's long lashes cascaded down his sharp cheekbones and his lungs captured a deep breath. "Taking walks outside, singing, and even the smallest opportunity to talk." He responded and looked back down, digits clasping around the silver bracelet that was locked around his pale wrist.

Jaehyun nodded and craned his head down to catch a glimpse of the opposite's sharp eyes. "Then let's start by taking a stroll through the garden outside."

Thus, their story of love and heartbreak began.


A/N: Prepare to cry. Anyways,,I'll make the chapters longer in the future, I just needed to get the ball rolling. Tell me what you think~.

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