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4 years later..........

"Appa~~~~." Said TaoMin.

"What is it baby?" Asked Tao to calm hi, down.

"Jagiya!" Said SooMin from their room.

SooMin and Tao are now married for 4 years and they received baby TaoMin, the most precious thing in their life. They are now parents and she is now working as a teacher at a pre-school where TaoMin is schooling and Tao handles their company.

"Coming!" Answered Tao.

"Baby, behave okay." Said Tao their baby boy.

"Yes appa." Replied TaoMin cheerfully.

At their room

"Jagiya what is it?" Asked Tao to her wife SooMin.

"I have a surprise for you!" Said SooMin happily.

"Really? What is it?"

"I'm pregnant again." Said SooMin calmly.

"Yes! I love you honey, we have a new member to our family."

"Appa whta ith it?" TaoMin said while running to their room.

"You will be a brother Soo!" Cheered SooMin.

And TaoMin joined them and they end it with hugged with full of love.

The end

A.N: sorry for the late update

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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