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Crack. Creek. Snap.

Stupid branches. They're all over the place. I can't catch a break.

I hear birds chirping as they fly overhead me. The colors of their feather with the speed they're going at shows an artificial rainbow in the sky.

This is why I come out here.

Who knew the woods in the back of my house can be so calming. I just finished arguing with my sister Wendy so I came out here to calm down. It always works. I done even think she's been out here.

I pull my camera out of my sling bag and turn it on. I point it to the carefully designed web that hung from a branch to the base of the tree. The spider was in the middle wrapping the flies in a web.

I get close and snap photos. I get all the angles I can possible imagine.

I always have my camera with me. It's the one thing I cherish the most. It never lets me down. Just knowing I can capture any moment I want is satisfying.

I walk ahead for a couple minutes and I grew thirsty.

I stopped at one tree which had moss growing on it. I snap a couple of pictures and place the camera in my bag and grab my water bottle. I set the bag down and chugged my water as I leaned against the tree.


What was that?

I lean off the tree and look around.

It's probably just a woodpecker.

I lean against the tree once more.


Is it the tree?

I lean off once more and turn towards the tree. I knock on the supposed bark when it makes a certain noise. It's like metal almost.

I feel around for an opening and try pulling it away. I tried scraping my nail against it when I pulled a door open.

On the inside was a small box, like a radio I would assume. There are two small switches on the top. I flick the left lever and nothing happens. I then flick the right one and I hear a door open behind me.

I turn around and I see a goat squeal and jump away. Probably because of the grass receding outwards but that's just a wild guess.

The grass moved away and it was like there is a small cavity in the ground.

I put my water back in my bag taking my camera out.

I take pictures of the radio box and then I take a short video of me knocking on the tree to show how fake it is.

I walk over to the ground opening and I see a book with a hand on it. The only thing is there are six fingers instead of a normal five. Or rather there are five fingers and one thumb if you want to be that person. There's a number on it. 4. That's odd. What could it mean?

I take a picture from my point of view, looking down at the book.

When I'm done I put the camera back once more. I pick up the book with the ground slowly returning back to its "normal" self.

I scan the book. I blow out the dust which goes everywhere. And right then I start coughing.

Stupid allergies.

I scan through the book, flipping the pages rapidly but slowly so I can still see.

What are these monsters and creatures? Are they even real. It might just be some boy a kid made it as a fantasy. Imagination these days. I do kinda like all that stuff thought. It sparks my interest. I decide to take the book to take a look over. I don't believe it belongs to someone.

Then my phone dings in my back pocket. I know, I'm in the woods, how could my phone ring? It's not real woods, it's civilized I guess you can say. Some people made paths but it's not like a park or anything. There's cell towers here and there.

Bryce: mom called for dinner

coming :Y/N

I go back to the tree and flick the lever again. When I do the door closes where the book was laying. I close the metal door against the "tree". I take the compass app on my phone and I save the coordinates. I just love these adventure type stuff. Gotta save EVERY bit of information you can obtain.

I find the string that I've tied along trees along time ago to find my way back home. I set it so I won't get lost. I follow the bright (F/C) track and set on my way home.

time skip

I open the back door of my house that led straight to my kitchen.

"Where have you been?" My dad asked me.

"On an adventure," I replied as I walk to my room.

"Dinner is ready, come back down."

"Let me put my stuff away."

I go to my room and set my bag down deciding to explore the book at a later time. I go to the bathroom attached to my room and wash my hands. When I'm done I go back downstairs to eat.

"Any new findings?" my mom asked me.

I couldn't let them find out. Literally the first page of the book said "TRUST NO ONE" in bright red.

"No, none today. Just some pictures of the animals. I got a cool spider shot."

"CAN I SEE?" my little brother, Bryce, asks me.

"Later little guy."

We continue to eat and I just start thinking about the book. Wait, Wendy told me all these crazy adventures she's been on in Gravity Falls. Could it be connected?

"Hey mom, dad."


"Is it okay if I go to Gravity Falls next summer, with Uncle Dan and Wendy and her brothers?"

"Sure I don't see why not. I'm sure my brother would love to have you there," my mom replied.

"Why the change of heart?" my dad asked.

"I don't know I just thought that it would be fun to hang with her. And also I can work where she works maybe and earn some money."

"CAN I COME?" yet again my brother asked. "I WANT MONEY!"

"No your going to summer camp like we discussed."

He crosses his arm and pouts as I stick my tongue at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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