Chapter 1 - Dickless jerk

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"I see an apartment near in your work we could live there together" Michael says happily to me while we our on our lunch break. Michael has been my boyfriend for 6 months now and wr are both working for the Orlando Company, it is one of the biggest and most successful company in NYC.

"I can't just leave Chloe alone babe" Chloe has been my best friend since highschool. We are roommates and on highschool we also live in the same apartment. We know each other like the back of our hands. We are like sisters.

"Then ask her to live with us, the apartment has two rooms we could have the one and the another is for her and a guest room" Mike says while reaching for my hand in the table.

"Alright I'll tell her about it before I decide" I smile at him while he kiss my forehead.


Time runs fast and now we three are living in the apartment for 2 months.
"You know Mike loves you so much and I know you love him too, so why don't you let him show it to you" Chloe ask me again. She know that I never had any experience and Mike is already waiting for too long.
"I-I'm not ready for that" Chloe holds my hand and squeeze it "you know what I have been through, I just can't right now" Chloe hugs me and she choose to change the topic and we talk and talk until we fell a slept on the couch.

4 days past after Chloe and I talk about it and now I'm in the elevator going to our apartment floor. I bought some take outs for us because I go home earlier than usual. When I was in front of our door I heard something crashing and open the door fast. And now I regret it. I saw my best friend facing the wall naked with my boyfriend banging in her back and a broken vase below them.
"Alex it's not like what you are thin-" Mike started but stop when the take out I bought for us hit his head and down to his face.

"I TRUSTED THE BOTH OF YOU" I I shouted at them while the tears are falling in my face. "YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND" I say as I face Chloe who is now hiding behind Mike "YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME, I HAD TRUSTED YOU I TREATED YOU LIKE MY OWN FUCKING SISTER AND THIS IS WHAT I GET!? " I said as I go near them and tried to grab Chloe but a hand catch me before I touch her. And I angrily look at my pathetic excuse for a boyfriend.

"THIS IS ALL YOU FAULT! WE HAD BEEN 8 MONTHS SINCE WE STARTED DATING, I SLEPT WITH YOU FOR 2 MONTHS BUT YOU NEVER GIVE ME WHAT I NEED! " he shouted in my face while holding my tightly I almost flinch but I didn't I am too angry to be scared right now.


"ENOUGH" Chloe shouts "A-Alex let me explain please" Chloe pleaded me as she walks to me slowly and try to touch my hand but I jerk away I turn my back to them, if I stay with them any longer I think I might puke.

I stop in the door frame and said. "You know what Chloe I had loved you, you are like a family to me that I never had but now all I could see you is nothing but a traitor, and for you Mike, I never regret not having sex with you" I turn my head and look at them and smirk "you are nothing but a dickless pathetic excuse for a man" and that's all I said before I leave them both with shock clear in there faces.

I run out of the building, I didn't know where to go but I just keep running until sanity hits me and I just found my self alone in the darkness.

I don't know where to go right now and Im so tired to walk anymore but I still did I walk to the street that I didn't know until I heard a shout from the corner. Even though I know that I'm in danger and going there is a suicide my curiosity gets the best of me and I follow the shouts in my left side as it gets louder and louder.

This place is so quite except for a voice of a woman shouting for help. I follow her face until I see shadows moving they are fast and I can't see them clearly but because of the light from the moon I see the woman who is shouting before but now she is so quite and not moving. She is covered by her own blood and there are three men laughing around her with bloods on there mouth. I want to shout but I hold my self together.

I'm walking slowly away from them while still looking at them. I avoid making noise because I don't want them to catch me as I am afraid they would kill me too the way they killed the girl. I'm still walking slowly but suddenly I hit a cold hard wall in my back.

"Your dead" the wall said coldly and I lose my mind and shout so hard it hurt my lungs. Then I look at my back to see a guy in black suit with red eyes and long fangs in front of me and I shout harder I tried to move away from him but when I turn back to the direction of the dead girl the 3 silhouette laughing around the dead girl is now in front of me with all red eyes and growling at me. I see the bloody teeth they have as they open their mouth to growl.

"We have to kill her" a guy with a blond hair says looking at me with loathe.

"We don't have time for that now. Boss said we must meet him in the warehouse NOW" I never feel glad for the man I hit this earlier until now.

"BUT SHE SEE TOO MUCH" now the brown haired boy argue and how I wanted to kill him for that.

"She needs to die" the black hair boy says coldly in my left side.

"We are now late and would be punish if we didn't come in there now, so knock her off and let's just bring her with us and let boss decide what to do with her" if only the guy I hit with my back is not the reason why Im here cornered with maniacs I would hug hi- did he said they would bring me with them?? Finding my voice I spoke to them.

"W-where are y-you bringing m-me? " I said as a tear started to make its way in my face "please d-don't hurt me I-I didn't s-see anything please"

The blond guy in my left smirk and said "I can't wait to tear you apart sweetheart" and that's all I heard and see before darkness consumes me.

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