Who Were the Anunnaki?

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Watchers The Book Of The Secrets Of Enoch-


-I have two more items, basically very important items to finish and then we can go into the general discussions. To cap off the whole genetic research effort on the planet, it is not an idea of a few crazy frankensteinian scientists here and there in the secret underground bases, it is not a crazy idea by the secret government or even by some high levels of alien races that are using us as convenient guinea pigs... It is a much higher level of 'party line' agenda coming, my feeling is, from the... basically the fallen angelic presence on our planet that has been masterminding

[the conspiracy]... probably 90% of the alien races that have visited our planet...most of them have been coming here on the planet sub-contracting for that particular branch of the

'celestial management' and the biggest point on their agenda is... on top of advanced interstellar TRANSPORTATION and COMMUNICATION have been --the creation of life (or rather the RE-CREATION or re-arrangement of existing biological matter, since created beings whether standing or fallen can only RE-STRUCTURE that what has already been created.


According to the Book of Jubilees:

Chapter 10: 4-5:

•And Thou knowest how the Watchmen (fallen angels), the fathers of these spirits, acted in my day; And these spirits also which are alive.

•cast them into prison and hold them in the places of judgment,

•And let them not destroy the sons h@of thy servant, my God, For they are terrible and created for destroying;

•and may they not rule over the spirits of the living; For Thou alone knowest their judgment.

•And let them have no sway over the children of righteous from now on and to eternity.

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