Chapter 1 - Party and Bullshit

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'Happy Birthday dear Mi-in. Happy Birthday to you.' Everyone cheered. 'Hip hip... hoary. Hip hip... Hoary .Hip hip... hoary.' The mindless babble continued as I blew out the 17 candles on my barbie face cake. A picture was taken flashing in my direction, and I smiled at Charlotte behind the camera.  Her short blonde hair, had been pulled into two ponytails, as she wore and oversized ball gown. Charlotte, always different in her own way. God, love her. I thought as a very recognizable voice played over the speakers.

'Happy Birthday Min.' Adam's voice grabbed the attention of the whole  room. I looked at him. His golden hair was spiked out, and he wore a little kid outfit. 'lets hope for another good 17 years. So guys we have an hour till our bedtime, who wants to rock?' The audience cheered. 'But first,' suddenly  I was in the spotlight. I could feel my cheeks start to get hot. 'Mike would like me to ask to have a dance with you.' Everyone cheered and Adam put the song 'I wanna Dance with Somebody' on while I laughed. Mega Trust right there I thought. I looked for Mike. The crowd parted and I saw him. His brown hair was hidden by a golden plaited wig. His muscular arms hung on the sides of the bright pink tutu. I laughed and danced over to him. Disco style. As Mike and I danced, everyone stood around in a circle clapping and cheering for us. Half way through the song, I looked at Adam who was now in the edge of the circle, clapping and laughing like everyone else. I skipped over to him and pulled him into the middle of the circle. His blue eyes begged me to ignore him, but finally he gave in. Mike did the same to Georgia and the four of us dance till the end of the song.

'You got the moves, lil sis.' Mike yelling to me over the next song. 'Like my outfit? Its yours.' I acted shocked.

'I could of sworn that I had seen that before.' I joked. ' Don't worry it looks so much better on me.'

'I would have to agree with Min, Mike.' Georgia giggled, poking him. 'You just don't have just don't have the body for it.' Mike pulled a pose. We all laughed. A pair of strong arms, came around my waist. Pulling me into a soft body.

'Happy Birthday, my beautiful girl.' Jack's deep voice whispered in my ear. His warm lips kissed my cheek, I closed my eyes at his touch. Flash. I opened my eyes. Charlotte had come out of nowhere.

'You guys are so cute.' Charlotte squealed, as she ran off, her ball gown dragging across the dance floor.

'Well I'm  going to get something to eat.' Georgia said awkwardly as the song ended, dragging Mike with her.

'I better get back to help Ethan with the music.' He said, turning away. Leaving me on the dance floor.

'Come with me.' Jack whispered. His large hand took mine, and took me off the dance floor.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

We walked outside and I smiled towards the familiar faces in the crowd. The fresh air, was a cool reminder of how hot inside was. The music could barely be heard through the thick walls of the hall.  Jack swung me into a corner of the fence. His face so close to mine, that it was memorising. His hands sat on top of my hips, and mine on his arms.

'Hey,' he said in his deep voice. 'There is something that I wanted to give you for your birthday, but I needed you to be happy with it first.' He closed his eyes and opened them, taking a deep breath as if working up the courage. 'Min, we have been going out for a while and I want to treat you. Especially because its your birthday.' His fingers began to move. 'I want to feel your soft skin against mine. I want to kiss you, everywhere. No holding back.' I pushed away from him.

'I can't.' I murmured. 'You know I can't. I want to wait.' He pulled my shoulders to face him, his dark eyes met mine.

'Min, we have been going out for eight months, and all we have done is kissed.' He  licked his lips. 'I want more. I know you do too. I can feel you holding back.' His hand cupped my check. 'Min, you trust me don't you?' I want too… but should I… My mind pondered.

'Jack I have never done this before.' My voice crackled. 'I'm scared. I don't want it to get out of hand.' He shoved his pinkie into my face. I laughed. 'Are you seriously pinkie promising?' He nodded. 'Fine.' I signed. I looped my pinkie around his. 'Don't hold back. No Sex.'

'No Sex.' he repeated. We laughed. 'Oh, I love you.' He said, then kissing me hard. It was different from the rest. This was filled with passion. His lips left mine, leaving me breathless. He smiled. 'By the way, I am taking you out. After your party, get changed. Your mum knows, So be quick'  He kissed me again, gentle this time. 'C'mon, be a good party host and talk to your guests. ' He joking hit my arse. I giggled turning away from him and walking back into the hall with the blaring music. I couldn't help but look back. He was leaned against the wall, watching me with a small smile across his face.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

I walked through the crowd and walked into Mia. Her brown curly hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail sticking out the side of her head. She wore bright blue overalls with a rainbow top underneath,  Her regular ones replaced with bright green nerdy glasses.

'Did I just walk into a rainbow or something?' Hugging her tiny frame.

'Hey, someone had to light up this party.' She laughed, as we pulled away from each other. Her smile faded off her face. 'What did Jack want by the way? Georgia told me how he was looking for you for ages.' I rolled my eyes. Here we go again…

'What is with you guys and him?' I snapped. 'We have been dating for five months, and you still act like his is going to murder me.'

'Woah chill out, its just…' She sighed, '…its just that, we don't trust him.'

'Well you're going to have to.' I crossed my arms. We stood there in silence.

'So could you introduce me to your friend over there?' She pointed over to a group of boys 'The one in the gladiator outfit. ' I recognized him instantly.

'Oh, Kyle.' I said. 'Yeah, he is cute but, he has a girlfriend, or multiple. I don't even try to keep up.' She sighed.

'Why are all the good ones taken?' She paused. 'You wanna dance?' I took her hand.

'I thought you would never ask.'

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

He suddenly wrapped his arms around me from behind. I could feel his breath on my ear.

'Are you ready for your present?' He whispered. I nodded. His arms let go and he grabbed my hand, spinning me around to face him. He bowed and indicated to his car. 'Your chariot awaits my lady.'

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