Chapter 2 - The Night of 'Love'

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I watched Jack's eyes carefully, as he played our song. I sat crossed legged in front of him, humming to the words. The moon was full and lit up the empty park. Just the way we like it, I thought. With his eyes closed, his deep voice sung the final lyrics.

'Something in the things she shows me, I don't want to leave her now. You know I believe and  how'

I watched him in awe as his eyes opened and looked at me, trapping me in his dark gaze.

'Min, you trust me? Don't you?' He asked, smiling. I nodded. He placed his guitar next him and his fingers moved to circle my kneecap. 'I want you to tell me to stop if you want me to okay?' I nodded again. His hands moved to mine as they sat in my lap. He grabbed onto them, pulling me forward and making me fall. I giggled. He rolled over me and held himself there. His nose was close to mine. I could feel my heart pounding faster and faster. Then he kissed me, hard.  We rolled around, kissing each other. His hand examining every part of my body. My mind into overload. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head, still kissing me franticly. I could feel the cool grass beneath me  Click, click. I cold sensation flickered over my wrists but was overrun by the warmth of his hand. My eyes flicked open to see Jack on top of me. His hand stroking my hair. Locking me in his trance.

'I always love your hair, Min.' His soft fingers gently touched the edges of my face. Kiss me again, my mind begged 'So red and curly. I love when you plait it.' His hand gently twisted around it. Flipping it around and around. His hand continued down my body. He stopped at the buttons of my shirt, gently playing with the top one.

'This top always suited you.' One by one, he undid them all. 'Black is very much your colour.' He slid his hand to my waist. My body making goose bumps at his touch. Stop this teasing. I longed for his touch. 'It is so good against you skin.' I felt his hand slide down to the band of my black skirt. 'I never truly thought I would see you wearing a skirt.' His hand slide further down my skirt, his pinkie brush against my thigh. 'I never realized what beautiful legs you have.'

'Oh please,' my mind begged. 'Please, I want this so bad. I want your lips on mine, I want to run your hands down my back. I want to run my fingers through your soft hair. Please.'


'Lets have some fun' He soft voice echoed through my ears. He jerked my hips. Flicking me onto my front.

'Hey.' I muffled. He pulled my hips up in the air. I pushed myself up. I notice the cool sensation on my wrist was silver handcuffs, glissading in the moonlight.  'What is this Jack?' He finger slipped beneath my skirt, and into the band of my undies.

'We are having some fun.' Jack's smooth voice spoke as he pull down my undies. 'Trust me.'

'I don't want this Jack.' My voice fearful trying to stay strong. 'Jack stop this.' He stopped. My undies were down around my knees. I couldn't feel his hands against my skin. I looked back to him. He was crouched behind me, looking down at his pants. Concerting in undoing the six buttons of his jeans.

This is my chance. I got up and ran. My undies fell to my ankles and I flicked them off. I needed to just get away from him. I pulled down my skirt to save some of my dignity. I could hear his footsteps running through the grass. My head was yanked backwards by my plait. The cool grass supported the fall. His face contrasted against the stars.

'Wow Min. I never thought you'd into get into character so easily.'  His hands grabbed the chain between the handcuffs and pulled me across the grass, back to his guitar.

'Let go of me!' I screamed. I tried to struggle against his strength.

'You know I kind of hoped you would act like this,' He whispered through his smile. We stopped. 'Now don't go anywhere.'


He placed his bag next to me. Zip. He undid it and pulled out a silver chain that matched the handcuffs. Connected to the ends were clips.

'Jack, what is this?' my voice crackled. 'You are scaring me.' He chuckled, as he pulled out a white cloth from the bag.

'You trust me so don't worry.' He said. 'I will take care of you.' He pulled the white cloth over my mouth. My vision started to blur. Why...? I thought. Then, blackness.


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I woke with a cool softness underneath my back. My arms were above my head, and the cool metal of the handcuffs dug into my wrists. A cool breeze, blew across the top of my chest. A hand gently, brushed against across my stomach. My eyes came into focus. I was in a large black room. It was lit by a gentle white light above me. Jack laid next to me, stroking my stomach and hips. I was just in my black bra and matching undies.

'Jack…?' I seemed to mutter through, my groggy mind.

'Good, your awake.' He whispered. 'Now. Keep still, I don't want to hurt you.' He pulled himself above me. I was shocked. He was stark naked. His chest was defined however hidden by soft chest hair. His dick brushed against the outside of my undies. Holy Fuck. What is he thinking?  I don't want this. Why is his doing this?

'No Jack. Don't' My voice crackling under the strain. His green eyes met mine.

'Okay, if you say so.' His smiling face, said those words with sincerity. He moved off his bed. His warm hands wrapped around my ankles and in one swift movement, pulled me off the bed. I laid there helpless.

'Get on your knees.' He barked. I shuffled away from him. He grabbed my plait, pulled my body upwards. Forcing me on my knees. I looked at his feet. 'Don't defy me Min. You will regret it.' I looked up meeting his eyes, trying to hide the fear that was in my stomach.

'Suck.' He ordered. I looked in front of me. Well that looks different to what I expected… His dick stood attention, bursting out of its own skin, begging for a touch. The shaft was hidden in a thick shrub of black pubic hairs.  Isn't meant to be a bit bigger… I chuckled at the thought.

'What's so funny?' His stern voice seemed to echo in the room. Shit. My stomach seemed to shake with fear again. 'Your laughing at it aren't you.' His hand's moved down to cup the underside of my jawline. Pulling my head up to meet his eyes. 'Open.' I obeyed. He smiled. He moved his hips forward. His penis slid slowly down my tongue. My nose brushed against his public hairs. I held my breathe. He started to pulse, slowly at first. Then quickened. He kept hold of my chin, supporting it against the force. His eyes closed, in pleasure and his head tilted slightly back.

'Suck harder' he moaned, while he gained momentum. I obeyed, closing my lips around his dick.

'Fuck!' he yelled. He yanked his dick out of my mouth. Shit, I fucked up. His eyes franticly checking that everything was okay with he 'favourite limb'. His flaming eyes met mine.

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?' I said quickly, trying to keep up with my mind. 'I've never done that before. I can fix it. I'm…'

'Shut up.' he barked. My stomach dropped. He voice become soft. 'Min, I told you not to defy me. Now you must be punished.'

'Please…' I whimpered. I could feel my eyes starting to water.

'I have had enough of you.' He picked me up by my shoulders, and threw me onto the bed. I rolled onto my back. His face was wild with anger.

'Please…' I pleaded. 'You are frighting me.' He flipped me onto the front and ripped of  my undies.

'Shut up.' he barked again. He hit my arse, hard. I flinched in pain. He stroked the right check. 'You should learn to obey.' He paused, waiting for me to speak. 'Excellent' I could hear the smile through his words.  'You learn quickly.' His fingers moved to between my legs, playing with the outer lips. He slowly inserted, the tips of his fingers in. My strong outer shell gave out, as my tears were soaking the bed. What are you doing? I trust you. What is happening to me?

'Virgin no doubt.' He murmured to what seemed like himself. I could feel him testing out the wall of my vagina.

'Please…' I begged him again. He quickly pulled his fingers out. He hit my arse again.

'Naughty girl. You deserve to be spanked.' He stated as he stroked each of the cheeks. My body continue to melt into the bed. He pulled my hips up so that I was on my knees. 'I have a better idea.' I could feel the weight shifting forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2012 ⏰

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