Chapter 1

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A slapping sound echoed in the area making everyone stop whatever they were doing and looked back at the source of the sound. It was Tristan who looked really angry and Bedivere who was holding his head down with a red sting mark on his cheek.

"I'm not so incapable that I wouldn't be able to save myself!" The archer seethed at him.

Everyone was surprised at the situation but Ritsuka had tried to diffuse the one-sided argument but the two are not listening.

Tristan is angry at Bedivere about getting injured when he shielded Tristan earlier from an arrow during battle and he was being chided that he should have priorities their masters safety instead of trying to save him All throughout Bedivere's just kept quite with a deep frown on his face. Not even meeting Tristan's gaze.

"Stop doing unnecessary things!" he hissed in contempt which was met with silence. When the archer saw that Bedivere had no intention of talking to him anytime soon he turned his back on him, the conversation was over. 

"Is it because you have both arms now?" Tristan mumbles. Bedivere immediately looked up at Tristan, wide eyed and an expression of mixed horrified and hurt painted on his face. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could even let out the words he wanted to say the archer had already long walked away without giving him a chance.

The rest of the group simply watched with dumbfounded and tense look on their face. Either not wanting to get caught up in their argument or just surprised from the scene. When Ritsuka had somewhat recovered from his surprise, he dragged Lancelot on the side and chided him. "I thought you said that both of them work well together." he said in a whisper

"They did!" Lancelot defended but he had a sheepish smile on his face that doesn't say he was sorry at all. Then he added: "but I might have forgotten to consider their current circumstances"

"What do you mean?" Ritsuka inquires.

"Don't worry about it, Master." Gawain interjects "They're just feeling really anxious and insecure at the moment. Just give them some time and they'll fix it themselves"

That had somewhat assured Ritsuka. But it only lasted for a few days.  

"Are you sure that we should just leave them be?" Ritsuka asked for the umpteenth time since the morning, worried that ever since the incidence the two weren't talking and they're avoiding each other like a plague, or well Tristan does. While Bedivere looked like a kicked puppy every time Tristan walks out, he's quite pitiful. 

The incident between the two knights had been bothering him so much and in return he kept bugging Gawain and Lancelot for answers non-stop. It would be easier to just ask the people in question but Ritsuka didn't know how to approach a sensitive topic.

"It's fine." Gawain shrugged his shoulders "They'll talk to each when they're ready. It'll be more counter productive if you force them."

"In the first place why do you mean that they feel insecure?"

"Well it's a bit of a long story. And honestly I didn't realize this back then as well when we were still alive. About those two, even if they don't admit it, they rely on each other both in and out of the battlefield."

"I'm getting more confused." Ritsuka groaned

"To start with, Bedivere and Tristan was never really close with each other. They're neither close friends and just simple acquaintances who happen to serve the same king, yet before anyone knew it they always fight side by side." Lancelot added.

"When Tristan left the court I never understood why Bedivere didn't do anything to stop him but now that I think of it, he might've been relieved that Tristan left." Gawain mussed.

[OneShot] Why Are We Always Sooner Than Later? [Bedivere x Tristan (F/GO)]Where stories live. Discover now