Chapter 1

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I'm incredibly bored right now, so instead of sleeping I'm going to write yet another Spider-man field trip fic because I can't come up with anything else.

Link to disc server if anyones interested:

(the link is also in my desc)

Peter's day was going great. He woke up on time, actually had breakfast for once, made it to school on time, aced his calculus test, didn't have one disturbance from Flash for the entire day (somehow), and ate lunch. So when the Decathlon meeting rolled around and Mr Harrington announced that he had some exciting news for the group, that had something to do with a field trip, it piqued Peter's interests. Ever since his last and disastrous field trip to Oscorp, he wasn't so fond of field trips, but his day had seemed to be going well so he decided to give it a chance.

"We will we having a field trip, but not only that, we will be staying a few nights at the place!" Mr Harrington announced, his excitement visible. If a field trip that Mr Harrington had to spend a few days at with a group of teenagers got him excited, then it must be good.

"We'll be going to..." Everybody silenced, all waiting impatiently to hear where they would be going.

"Stark Industries!" He finally announced, being over-dramatic. The team looked at each other, excitement clear on their faces. A few cheers rose from the crowd. Peter, however, blanched. A field trip to Stark Industries? Not just a field trip, but some three day sleepover there with his Decathlon team?

After the whole Vulture ordeal, him and Tony had become close. Every weekend they would hang out in the labs, and work on the iron man suits or Peter's Spider-man suit. They would also occasionally have a movie night together, and best of all, the Avengers would occasionally join them. It was like a second family to him.

So the news shouldn't have been that bad for him, but the Avengers were the type of group of people to make sure that Peter was humiliated in front of his class.

Peter was drawn from his thoughts from a hard jab in his side. He turned to his left, and saw Ned, an excited smile stretched across his lips.

"Dude! A field trip to Stark Industries! And we get to stay the night for three entire days!" Ned exclaimed excitedly, his eyes widening.

"Woo, I can't wait." Peter replied, waving his fist enthusiastically in the air.

"Bro, it can't be that bad." 

"You don't know the Avengers, they all look like immortal superheroes, but their actually just a group of pranksters who like playing Mario-kart at 3 in the morning."

"That... Honestly sounds amazing." Ned said, imagining all the Avengers playing Mario-kart together. 

"Do you play Mario-kart with them?" Ned asked, giving his friend a curious gaze. Peter didn't reply, he instead just buried his face in his hands.

Ned placed a reassuring hand on his back, "relax, it'll be fine." 

Turns out, he was wrong. When Peter finally got out of school, and had arrived at the tower after Happy had dropped him off, he went up to the common floor, where the Avengers mainly hung-out, to see Tony making coffee in the kitchen.

"Hey, Mr Stark." Peter greeted as he walked into the room, dumping his bag on the floor and collapsing on the couch.

"Hey Pete." Tony replied, turning around to face the teenager. Tony expected the kid to tell him about his day, or something, anything, but he was unnaturally quiet. 

"What's up, kid?" He asked.

Peter turned and looked at Tony, "hm? Nothing, just... Tired." 

Tony shrugged, and turned back around just as his coffee finished brewing. "So, I heard you were going on a field trip. A sleepover field trip, if I should call it that."

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