Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry for yet another late upload, I've just been having major writers block lately (It's really annoying) but I'll keep writing and try to get chapters out =)

Peter felt a tap on his shoulder, as he bent over to put away the final arrow. They were currently packing up from their session with Clint, and were getting prepared for their next Avenger before they went off to eat their lunch.

Turning around, he saw Cindy standing there. They made eye contact, so Cindy chose that moment to talk. "Could I ask you a quick question?" Peter nodded.

"I was just wondering... How did you manage to catch that arrow earlier?" Cindy asked. "I mean, you weren't looking, and I just found it really cool, so like..." She continued to ramble on about it, but Peter wasn't really paying attention, because he was slightly freaking out. 

Why did he have to catch that arrow? He should have just bent over and pretended to do up his shoelace, or he could have just let the arrow actually hit him, but no, he had to be all fancy and catch the bloody arrow!

"Peter?" He blinked to clear his thoughts, realizing that Cindy was saying his name. She looked at him expectantly, and he realized she had asked a question.

"Oh, uh sorry, what'd you say?"

"How did you catch the arrow?"

"Oh, right." Peter scratched the back of his neck and he thought desperately for an excuse. "Well... I heard the bow, so I instinctively dodged to the right, and then... I put my hand up and caught it..?" 

Cindy stared at him for a moment, and Peter was worried that she didn't believe him, until she shrugged. "Fair enough. It was a really lucky catch, by the way." Peter laughed awkwardly, nodding.

"Anyways, I'm going to go catch up with the group." Cindy waved at him, turned around and left. Quickly putting the arrow away, Peter hurried to catch up to the group.

Coming up beside Ned, he slowed down to a walk. Ned was talking to MJ, who looked like she was tired of everything and everyone. She was most likely just tired of Ned rambling in her ear.

"How are you not excited by the concept of that?! He can sense things before they happen!" Ned shouted, a little bit to loud for Peter's comfort/

"Amazing." Was MJ's bored response.

Ned, seeing that Peter was beside him turned to look at him. "You think your sixth sense is cool, right?"

Peter smiled at him. "Sure, although it can be annoying sometimes."

"Annoying?" Ned questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"It probably senses things that aren't even dangerous." MJ spoke up, not turning to look at them.

"Well, yeah. Basically. Like a few days ago, Mr. Stark dropped a mug, and before it hit the floor my senses spazzed out. It acts out sometimes, it's really frustrating."

"Like a sensory overload?" 

Peter shrugged. "I guess."

Ned gave him a sympathetic stare, "that sucks."

Soon the group made it back inside, and Carrie stopped. "Whoever is next will come and pick you guys up soon."

They all stood around as they waited.

Steve was sitting in the common room, a newspaper in his hand, with his legs crossed over each other on the coffee table. "STEVE!" Steve jumped up, dropping his newspaper in the process. 

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