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Deku POV:

Izuku looked around the commen room to see no one there. He wondered if they where in there rooms. Izuku knew better tho. Denki and Sero where always in the commen room playing video games.

He went to every room on the first, second, and third floor and knocked on every door to no response. Once he got to the fourth floor he continued knocking on door after door. Tell he got to bakugou's room he hesitated for a bit till eventually he knocked. "Kacchan are you there" Izuku said and for the first time he heard a voice "what do you want you damn nerd". Izuku opened the door to see bakugou looking at his phone.

"I was wondering if you knew where everyone is?" Izuku questioned. "I think shitty hair said they where going to go to some stupid field trip for seven days starting tomarrow cause there driving all day today." Bakugou just said staring at his phone. "K-k-kacchan that means we are the only one's h-here" Izuku said with a flush of pink on his face. "Yep..... Wait I'm stuck with you. Fucking shit I'm scrued" bakugou murmured the last part. "Wasn't I told I would have loved to go?" deku now looking at the ground from embarassment of the blush that was on his face "Beats me..... now get out of my room"

Bakugou POV:

Earlier I was told that the class was going to a week long field trip to a resort in America. Shitty hair made it my job to tell the damn nerd. I didn't want to go so I stayed in my room and in turn I didn't tell deku." I had know clue that he was still in the dorms meaning I was stuck there with my cru... DEKU I mean deku " bakugou was saying to kirishima on the phone when he almost told him who he liked. "What where you about to say bakubro" kirishima said "I said deku THAT'S IT!" I started to raise my voice at him cause I knew he was teasing me and I couldn't help but get mad " wait are you talking to bakugou?"

I heard from the other end it sounded like a girl so I assumed it was round face "did he just say he liked deku-kun" my guess was right but she knew now and I was scrued at that moment I heard a knock at the door "Kacchan I heard a scream are you okay" my heart started to race and I could feel my face heating up" Yeah im fine you can go away now" I heard some ooooo's from my phone then from the other side of the door I heard "o-ok b-bye Kacchan" my face started to cool down then immediately started to heat up again from a comment round face made "Ooooooo look deku-kun likes yooou" as soon as she said that I replied saying "that's no way he would like me" but then I realised that it implise that I do like him

"oh so you do like deku" kirishima said in a sad tone of voice "bakugou ... I " kirishima spoke again but he still had that sad tone but he also sounded mad in a way "guys I got to go it's getting late and I need to go to bed" I said to try to get out of this awkward situation and immediately hung up " God I should just go to sleep before I do that tho I need to tell deku I'm going to bed" bakugou gets up and goes to deku's room "hey deku I'm going to bed night" before I left I heard deku same " n-night k-kacchan"

Word count: 631

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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