Past Events

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140 years ago, within the Soul Society

In a large white room, fill with rows and rows of chairs, sat an extremely large group of people, the rows of chairs all high above the ground, each row higher then the other, below then stood what seemed to be an elderly old man, eyes closed, hunched over and covered in scars, the elder leaning on his cane, a coat draped over his shoulders.
Everyone including the older man was dressed the same, in loose black clothing with a white coat on.
In the centre was a large chair, higher then the rest, a man with dark hair sitting in it.
"Head Captain Yamamoto, judgment has been passed by the members of central 46, a new law to be put in effect immediately!" The mans voice somewhat cold and bored sounded through the extremely silent hall "as of now, soul reapers within our ranks are no longer allowed to start families, any children born or within the Seireitai that are not part of a noble clan will be removed and expected to live in the Rukon districts, soul reapers are expected to have no contact with their child once removed from the Seireitai! our thoughts are final" the man finished, still more silence as the older man finally spoke "Hm...very  well" was all he said, still standing still though his eyes were now open from what one would think as shock.

Silently the men and women that were all sitting in the high pews of chairs, stood and left, leaving the old man along in the room, slowly he started to move, taking a few small steps towards the door before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

140 years ago, Soul Society, Meeting hall

Things had changed in scenery, a different meeting in a different location, the elderly man now sitting down in a large chair of his own, his cane still in his hands.
To his left were people standing to the side of from him, in a line the length of the hall. On his right were people also standing to the side of him, also the length of the hall, again mixed genders with two females and ten males. All of them were wearing the same black uniform and white coats, each person had a number on their coat, a different number, a number that wasn't repeated on the others coats, a sword also hanging from their sides.
Suddenly the old man struck the bottom of his cane against the floor, all eyes going to him "attention!" He his voice sounded with great authority, that no one could disobey him "central 46 has decreed that children...unless nobles are no longer permitted to stay within the Soul Society, central 46 also decreed that contact if forbidden with the children removed" his eyes once again closed but he could tell that two people there had tensed up. A woman with long dark hair and a man with long white hair looked at each other worriedly. The woman's stomach was rounded largely, pregnant. Yet she said nothing against the information that was just released to them "this is the ruling of central 46, and as such, this law will be carried out" the elder sounded and looked some what solemn "that is all that was decided, your job is to make this aware within your squads, immediately, this meeting is dismissed" he called and slammed his cane again on the floor, a signal for the end of a discussion.
Slowly one by one people started leaving the hall, last to leave, were the long white haired man and the long black haired pregnant woman, as they left, they were holding each other's hand tightly.

140 years ago, Squad 4 Barracks

Inside a basic room stood the white haired man and the pregnant woman, each changed out of their black clothing and white coats, hugging each other tightly as tears ran down their faces slowly "what do we do Jushiro?" The woman said to the white haired man, Jushiro.
Jushiro just held her tightly in his arms, rubbing her back to attempt to comfort his pregnant partner "there's nothing we can do Retsu" he said, deep deep sadness in his voice.
The two stayed cuddled and close together for a long time, not saying a single word before Jushiro spoke again "I have a family member that lives in district 1...tomorrow we can contact her, about taking care of our baby for us, that way he's still with family" he said softly and hugged her slightly tighter "yes...we'll do that tomorrow...for our baby..." Retsu said, a hand going to her stomach, rubbing it slightly "now...we both need rest" Jushiro said, tear stains on his pale cheeks, as he seemed to be becoming unwell.
Slowly the both lay down, staying in each other's arms, seeking as much comfort as they could with each other.

140 years ago, the next day, Rukon districts

Retsu and Jushiro were walking down dusty streets, filled with old shakes and others in colourful clothing. The couple still looked depressed from their discovery a night before, having already digested the depressing information given to them. Slowly he come to a old, small but well looked after shack, to small to be called a cottage or house.
Jushiro lifted a pale and a slowly knocked on the door before walking into the house "Grandmother, it's me, Jushiro" he announced himself as he walked in.
Sitting with her legs folded under her, on a small cushion was an elderly lady, with grey hair tied in a bun style.
Slowly the couple approached the older lady, before sitting down in front of her, the two looking nervous before sighing softly "what do you wish to talk about, grandson?" he elderly lady asked Jushiro. Only to be met by silence got a few minutes, before he suddenly spoke up "central 46...have banned children within the Seireitai...Retsu and I are expecting soon...we were hoping that when we must be separated from our child...that you would look after him" Jushiros voice was almost in a pleading tone, his grip on Retsu hand tightening, as he waited for the answer from his Grandmother.
The old lady was silent, very silent "Hm....okay" she said after several very long and silent minutes "however...I will need help....I won't be able to afford a child in my house, for clothes and water" the woman said.
Jushiro jumped up, letting go of Retsus hand as he hugged his Grandmother tightly "don't worry, we will pay for the living expenses of our child, we are so grateful" he told the small lady, slowly Retsu joined him "we can't thank you enough" she said as she once again rested a hand on her stomach, a small but strained smile on her face.

140 years again, December 20th, squad 4 infirmary

Squad 4 is known within the Seireitai as the hospital barracks, where the sick and wounded go. The hospital was white in colour and quiet as people silently done their work.
Suddenly loud yelling and screaming filled a room, a private room. Inside stood Jushiro, holding Retsus hand as she lay in a bed, pain on her face, in front of her stood a tall lady, with short grey hair "Captain! You have to push" the woman urged Retsu "I can see the head, only a little more" she told her, as she put on medical gloves and an apron.
Again another scream filled the air, followed by the sound of huffing and puffing "almost there Retsu...your almost there" Jushiro said softly, lightly rubbing the back of her hand in as much comfort as he could provide in that moment.
With one last loud and pain filled scream, that resounded through the full barracks, the sound of a baby crying was heard. In the grey haired woman's hands was a baby, a small baby boy, slowly the baby was wrapped in a blue blanket and handed to Retsu, the child being lay down on her chest, after a quick check "congratulations captain" the doctor lady said, Retsu just smiled tiredly while Jushiro replying "thank you for your help Isane" he said before turning back to his child and partner.
The lady, Isane left the room, so the family could have time together before the inevitable happened.
The new parents finally spoke after a few minutes in happy and sad silence "welcome to the world....Toshiro Hitsugaya"

140 years ago, 4 days after giving birth

The maximum amount of bonding days with a new baby had come to the end for the new parents. Walking though Rukon again, Retsu holding the sleeping baby in her arms as she made her way to Jushiros grandmothers shack with him. The walk passed too fast for the two. Knocking the once again before walking in "please...take care of him" Retsu asked the old lady as she placed her baby in the woman's arms. The parents gave their child a kiss on the forehead, before slowly backing away as more tears left their eyes "Be a good boy for your Granny okay,..Toshiro" they said before leaving, knowing if they stayed longer, they wouldn't be able to part with their son.

That was the last...the believed they would ever see their beloved son again.

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