06| Heartache

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I checked my phone for messages as I closed the front door behind me.

Zoe: sry for leaving u like that but I had to give u guys some privacy ;)
Brook: I rly hope she's not lying. U're telling me evrytng 1st thing in z morning!

I rolled my eyes with a smile and started to type my reply.

"Hey, you're late!" Dad yelled from the living room, and I went inside to see him lying down on the couch as usual.

"And you weren't with Zoe and Brook. I saw them on my way back home," Mom added coming out from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I have other friends too," I answered rolling my eyes at them.

They both had a surprised look on their faces before dad raised his brows at me. "Like...?" he trailed off.

"Like...well, my classmates... why are you even interrogating me?" I said, moodily crossing my arms over my chest.

"It's just..." Mom started, walking closer to me. "We know how that boy hurt you, you haven't been yourself for days. And now that you learned your lesson, you have to be careful from now on."

"I know, and I'm not getting into a relationship any time soon. So don't worry," I said quietly, looking down to the floor.

"Okay, just be careful who you're getting involved with. Just warning you," Dad said with a serious look, and I quickly nodded before turning to go upstairs.

"Help me with dinner, Paige," Mom said, walking back to the kitchen in a hurry. I followed after her like usual.

It was close to midnight by the time I laid in my bed wishing I could get some sleep. My body was tired but my mind said otherwise. I closed my eyes, but all I could think of was him- our past, and how we ended up like this, and if he lays in bed with me on his mind too.

But then I thought of the time I spent with Adam. It was unexpectedly amazing. We talked for hours and hours about everything we could think of... our friends, families and hobbies...and it was getting dark before I knew it.

We had been walking around the neighborhood after we got out of the burger place, and honestly...I didn't want to say goodbye. It was like he was my closest friend and I didn't hesitate to say what was on my mind. It scared me that I was thinking about him more than I should...but slowly, the volume of my conscience lowered until it finally hit silent, and I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


The morning light trickled in through my blinds, and I slowly uncovered my face to drag my feet off the bed. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked at my alarm clock. It was way past breakfast time, but I got up and went downstairs to make some pancakes.

Just as I set foot inside the kitchen, the door bell rang. I immediately thought of Adam, and my heart thumped in my chest. But we were together last night, it couldn't have been him. And we did exchange phone numbers so he could just call...

I opened the door to see our neighbor's daughter who was a few years younger than me. "Hey, Emma. What's up?" I greeted her with a smile.

"I think something bad happened to your brother," she said looking at me with pity, and a sudden coldness hit me as I stilled in shock.

"Your mom was running out to the hospital earlier and she told my mom about it. She said he got injured."

"What? How? When?" I fired questions at her, my mind racing with thoughts.

"I don't know, she just said to tell you to stay home and wait. I think she was too shocked to call you and tell you herself..."

"Oh God...what happened?" I whispered to myself as I rushed upstairs to get my phone.

But just as I looked at the first name in my contact list, realization dawned on me and I froze in my spot. Adam! He's the one who did this to Lucas. He took his revenge.

I fumed with rage as I dialed his number but it went straight to voicemail. My blood was boiling with anger as I thought back to the things he said yesterday, and I tried to control my heavy breathing as I started to speak in a low voice. "I thought you understood what I was trying to tell you, you said...you said you wouldn't do anything stupid. I can't believe you hurt Luke after all of the- how did you even find him? I'm sure I didn't tell you anything yesterday...you fooled me, you..." I couldn't form words anymore, so I hung up and quickly dialed my mom's number. I became more worried when she didn't answer, and I paced up and down my room nervously chewing on my nails.

Why did I do this to myself? I didn't know what made me trust him in a single day. His innocent smile, his warm eyes...his gentle tone...whatever it was that fooled me, I was wrong. And it hurt.


The hospital hallway was stuffy and the air was filled by the distinctive smell of medicines and bleach. I kept looking up at the large plastic signs above every door I pass.

I was exhausted from running all the way from home since mom finally picked up her phone and told me where they are.

I headed to room 264, where Luke was getting his treatment. People were running here and there. Nurses were rushing into the emergency room and some were pushing recovering patients by wheelchairs. I had to pass through the operation theatre. Some patients to be operated upon were lying on a stretcher. The corridor was very quiet and the whole scene was disturbing.

I finally reached the door, brown and dull like all the others. I barged in and saw my mom sitting next to the bed at the middle of the small room. She put her finger on her lips as soon as she saw me, telling me to keep quiet. I nodded and got closer to his bed.

He was lying on his back, bandages tied around his bare chest and left arm. His face was pale and his cheeks were badly bruised. I looked at my mom as she wiped at his sweaty forehead. "How is he?"

"He's a little bit better now, the nurse gave him some pain killers and he fell asleep."

"Where's Dad?" I asked, taking a seat at the other side of the bed.

"He went to sign some papers to pay for the treatment," she answered weakly. "The doctor said he's having difficulty breathing, his ribs are bruised... and also his arms..." She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath to calm herself. "He's been coughing up blood when they brought him here, what did he do to deserve this?"

I didn't know what to do to comfort her, so I just sat there and listened as she choked on her sobs.

Lucas opened his eyes the moment she rested her face on his bed, and he stared at her for a moment before turning to face me.

"Paige?" he said in a hoarse voice, putting his hand on his broken arm and immediately wincing in pain. Mom looked up and rushed to the table to bring him a glass of water.

"Yeah, I'm here." I stepped closer to his bed. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Obviously not," he said dryly. "But if you could let me sleep... that'd be helpful."

"Oh, sorry, honey." Mom smiled sheepishly. "We'll let you rest now. I'll be outside if you need me. Come on, Paige."

I followed her out of the room, still hating myself for trusting Adam so easily.

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