Chapter 18

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Our class finally ended and now the four of us are celebrating . As asual the 2seungs is really cheesy I almost swear at them but I guess I cant blame them as Im a sneaky too , sometimes I would kiss Jinu to the cheeks and he would hit me for doing it suddenly but his face is turning red.

As we are celebrating , we also came to the karaoke store , and what happened there made me fall inlove with Jinwoo more , I cant believe how good his voice is , its clear , clean and calm , I really love it .

But then, I have to give a hand for Seungyoon, I cant believe his voice ,its so powerful and yeah Hoony just being playful as always.

Night became deeper and everyone is getting drunk and of course Jinwoo is not exempted , he keeps spouting nonsense so we excuse ourselves and went to my home .

As soon as we arrived my house , Jinwoo suddenly takes out his shirt saying that its hot and pinned me to the wall , he kissed me really hard and starts unzipping my pants , he went down and starts servicing me , I cant believe that an Angel is doing this to me , I cant help but get excited , I lift him up and throws him to the bed , I told him that dont blame me tomorrow .

And so I started kissing him and play with his nipple and left marks everywhere and at the moment we're about to connect a suprising request came from him , I can't believe it came from his mouth .... Im ...

To be Continued .

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