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I'm sorry

I'm sorry for treating
you, badly

you are the best, and
you deserve the whole

thank you for everything

woah, woah, woah! ❞

have you hit your head
against a wall or something
like that? ❞

is this really you? ❞

clock's ticking ❞

you made me happy
although sometimes I
used to act a bit bitchy,
but honestly, I didn't
really mean anything ❞

you're out of your
mind ❞

I'm sorry, but I have
to go ❞

I have to save the time
to talk to the rest of the
boys, too ❞

you've been a very
good brother to me ❞

wait— ❞

you're joking, right? ❞

but before i go,
there's something
you should know ❞

still, ❞

Taehyung can't sleep
at nights, ❞

Jimin hides himself
from the others, ❞

Hoseok talks about
ending his life, ❞

Yoongi cuts his
fingers, wanting to
watch them bleed until
he stops playing the
piano, ❞

at nights, Seokjin cries,
but in the mornings,
he wears a happy mask
on his face, tells us jokes
to keep us happy although
he is ruined inside, ❞

and you keep telling
us that everything will
be okay which is a lie ❞

goodbye, hyung ❞

call ended

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