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"I... Hinata... please-"

"What did you say?"

"I didn't mean it. I'm sorry Hinata. Please just... just let us go. I promise we'll get you the help that you need."

Hinata's teeth glinted like razors. "I don't need any help. Everything I want is right here."

Your hands closed into fists, knocking against the side of your thigh as you stifled a frustrated growl. You were going in circles. Hinata was deaf to your words, blind to your fear. Madness and irrationality had seized hold of his mind and there was no way of reaching him through it. It had rendered him violent and delusional. You had to get out of there before it was too late for all of you.

Reaching for Daichi's hand, you pressed your fingers through his and squeezed. You hoped the action conveyed something to him, some message of hope or promise. Or perhaps he read it as the apology you intended, a giveaway that you were about to do something incredibly stupid. He must have read something into it as you saw his head turn and his wide eyes search your face. But you didn't turn to meet his gaze. Instead, you let go of his hand and stepped forward.

"Hinata, if I stay, will you let Daichi go?"

"[F/N]," the captain warned, but you ignored him, moving closer to Hinata. You had to keep his attention on you, you had to keep stalling. You didn't know what else to do. You didn't want anyone else getting hurt.

Hinata considered the question for a moment, his lips pursing in thought. His gaze flickered over your shoulder to peer at Daichi. Then he shook his head, clear and decisive. "I can't let him go. He'll tell someone where you are and I can't compromise your safety again. No – Daichi can't leave. I have to get rid of him. I have to get rid of everyone who's a threat to you. To keep you safe."

"Daichi isn't a threat. I promise he won't tell anyone," you said hurriedly, but you knew your words were not enough to convince him. "Please don't hurt anyone else, Hinata."

You had continued moving forward as you spoke, and now you were close enough to see the freckles on his nose, the blood in his hair. You could smell the blood and sweat on him too, mingling into something unpleasant. You were almost close enough to reach the door. If you could just get it open and start running, you would be able to draw Hinata away from Daichi and give him a chance to escape. It was a risk – you could get hurt, or Hinata could end up targeting Daichi instead – but it was one you were willing to take if it meant any chance of getting your friend out of there.

All of a sudden, as if he had read your thoughts, Daichi lunged for the lamp beside the bed and, yanking it from the socket with a pop, tossed it clumsily at Hinata's head. The boy hadn't lost his uncanny reflexes, and he dodged easily out of the way as the lampshade shattered and the bulb smashed against the wall just over his shoulder. But those few seconds of confusion had given you the chance you needed to get the door open. Seeing you dash out of the room, Hinata immediately took up the chase.

You felt the floorboards tremble beneath your feet as Hinata ran after you, his weight falling into every desperate step. His fingertips ghosted your back, almost finding purchase on the material of your shirt, but then you pulled out of reach at the last second, throwing yourself down the stairs. Your shoes slipped and stumbled over the smooth wood and you almost went tumbling head-over-heels down to the bottom, but you instead threw your weight towards the banister, keeping yourself on your feet. Then you were back on flat ground, rushing into the kitchen before Hinata could gain on you again.

Fuelled by nothing but adrenaline, you stumbled frantically around the kitchen looking for something – anything – to arm yourself with. You didn't want to hurt Hinata – you weren't even sure if you could, should it come to it – but you would feel safer with something sharp in your hands. You never knew what Hinata might try next in his throes of delirium.

TRAGEDY | Shouyou Hinata (Murder of Crows) ✓Where stories live. Discover now