Currently under reconstruction. So be sure to check back every once in a while.
Your Luna, an all powerful entity. You saw an application in the papers, and having nothing better to do, took the job. Humanoid robots you can handle. They might try to...
Waking up at 11:20, I got out of bed and grabbed my uniform from the closet and heading to the bathroom to take a shower.
Getting dress, I looked in the mirror at the uniform.
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Walking back into my room, I grabbed my phone, headphones, a sketch pad, coloring pencils, a back up generator, batteries and a cro bar, cookies and some sodas and put them in my backpack.
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Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I used my short cut and ended up in front of the pizzeria. Making sure my eye patch was on good, I opened the door and stepped inside. It was completely different from this morning, it was dark and empty except for the androids and gave off a horror movie vibe, like you were walking to your doom.
Walking past the Animatronics, I went in the direction of the office. Walking into the office, I saw three guys already in there talking. Walking inside, they jumped.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I thought they were moving five minutes early." Said the one holding the tablet.
"Nope, just me. I'm the new night guard." I said walking closer.
"Sorry about him. My names Scott." Scott said hold out his hand for me to shake.
(This is what I think he looks like without the phone mask.)
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"Nice to meet you Scott, I'm Luna." I said shaking his hand. Letting go, I looked at the shy blond. "And you are?" I asked.
"H-hi, my name is Jeremy." He said, scratching the back of his neck.
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"Mike. You don't know what your getting yourself into." Said the one holding the tablet.
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"Hi, nice to meet you guys. Don't worry, I can handle these pieces of shits. Also, it's 12 o'clock." I said pointing to the clock.
"Oh shit! Time to find out why you should have picked a different job." Mike said before turning on the tablet.
While I was sitting on the desk, Scott went to kept watch at the door on the right and Jeremy watched the door on the left. When suddenly the phone started to ring.
Once the call ended, I looked at Scott with a raised brow.
"You got stuffed, didn't you?" I said with a deadpanned expression.
"How did you know? And how are you so calm about this?" Scott asked, surprised.
"Because I kind of already figured it out while I was signing up for this job." I said looking at the ceiling.
"AND YOU STILL APPLIED?!" Jeremy yelled, while the others stared at me in shock. I simply shrugged before hoping off the desk and reaching into my backpack and pulling something out.
'This should do the trick.' I thought with a smirk
"Yep. And also the bunny you call Bonnie is gone. " I said before leaning against the wall to the right. It took them a minute to realize what I had said before they panicked as I crouched down by the door.
"Where is he!?!" Mike yelled while checking the tablet.
"FOUND HIM!" Scott screamed, pointing to the boy with blue bunny ears.
"CLOSE THE DOOR!" Jeremy yelled, hoping to stay alive. Just as Bonnie stepped into the office.
Bonnie fell to the ground holding his knee and cried out in pain, as the others starred wide eyed, while I smirked evilly and pointed a cro bar at h CRO BAR, BITCH!"