Surprise Surprise

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I hopped off the plane at l.a.x with a dream and my cardigan, just kidding I didn't have a dream or a cardigan I don't want to be famous but I do want to dance as a career. Me and Louis walked side by side to the exit of the airport, he had his hood up and sunglasses on so we wouldn't get mobbed, he was famous and I specifically told him that if he exposed me to the world I would rip his face off. I didn't like the idea of fame, I thought it was stupid and not being able to step outside without get mobbed and filmed is annoying to me. We finally made it out of the airport and he called an Uber, it came after about 20 minutes and we got in and drove off.
We got out of the car and walked to a large building where Louis dumb audition was. We walked in and it was extremely cold. it was like they took 15 air conditioners blasting cold air and directed it towards us, we walked in and I sat down on one of the benches pulling out my phone
"Oh no you don't," he said pulling my phone out my hand
" you are going to audition for this show weather you like it or not."
"I'm sorry, what?" I asked clearly confused about the situation
"I got you an audition dumbass and you are going to do it, Adelaine you have a raw talent for acting and I want you to get out more, trust me being famous isn't that bad" he explained
"Louis are you serious, this is my life you can't make me choose a profession" I whisper screamed as I realized other people were starting to stare
" Addy, you might not even get the part, after this I won't sign you up for anything without your permission" he said and I heard my name being called I looked up to see a person looking around the room for me.
"You better" I said to him as I walked to the lady
"Right this way m'am" she said
"Ok" i said walking to a white room with a small camera and three people sitting at a table my stomach dropped I looked at the folder that Louis told me to hold on to in the car and across the front it said headshots and resumes I quickly walked to the center of the room
" hello, what your name" the man on the right said with a smile, I returned a smile and said 
"Hi my name is Adelaine" I fiddled with the edge of my folder
"Can we see those" he said noticing the photos, I stood there awkwardly confused until I noticed that he was talking about the folder.
"Thank you" he said as I handed them to him
He looked in the folder and brought out some of the stuff
"Ok," he said "this is your script, this is not necessarily going to be on the show but it kinda give the same vibe as the character, which is Charlotte"
"Alright" I said as I looked over the script trying my best to hide my disinterest in the topic.
"Whenever your ready" he said and I took a deep breath
" shit I lost the ammo," I read with anger " how the fuck are we supposed to be able to defend ourselves without the fucking ammo?" I read looking up between words " Were gonna die out here, we're gonna die out here in the most terrible way, being ripped to shreds and it's my fault" I said tears brimming my eyes
" it's not your fault" the guy that was supposed to be acting as the other person said
" yes it is if I didn't lose the fucking ammo we would be perfectly fine through this horrible thing, that ugly ass monster is now going to eat our hearts out her in this musty rusted place, as soon as he finds us" I said letting the fake tears fall
" we will make it out of here alive ok" said the guy
" sure, because we can survive that thing" I said then an idea sparked in me, I should go off script! That's something that you should never do in an audition than I won't get the part which will be great
" That thing is big and mean and scary and it will rip our fucking hearts out and we will slowly but surely die out here in the cold, left to be found by explorers several years in the future and then when they look closer to see how we died they'll think it was a serial killer because god knows no one would think there was a monster chasing us."
I said still crying.
" alright" the director guy says " that was great, and you are done for today, thank you for auditioning for stranger things" he said
"Your welcome" I said " bye" and then walked out the room
" how'd it go" Louis asked as soon as he saw me come out
"Alright I guess" I shrugged
" I hope you get the part" he said
" I really don't"
" whatever" he said
" I can't believe you did this" I said still extremely mad that I had to do that
" Ain't that what siblings are for" he said smirking.
" go fuck yourself" I said
" I would if I could" he said back. We both looked at each other and started laughing really hard.
I woke up to my phone ringing the next day, it was an unknown number so I just expected a random company saying to buy there product. I picked it up anyways with a bland hello
" hi" said a voice I recognized " this is the director of Stranger things calling you to tell you, that you and two others have been chosen for callbacks for the role of Charlotte Johnson"
Oh my god this can not be happening, I'm gonna kill Louis

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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