Chapter 11

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Natsus prov:

I coughed which ached a little bit, I opened my eyes to see a Dr looking through a list on a brown clip board.

"excuse me" I wheezed trying to sit up.

"Mr. natsu! I strongly advise against moving, you and a friend of yours fell off your school building, do you remember anything?" The lady asked me.

"ummm... not exac- WAIT WHERES LUCY???" I asked trying to sit up even though it ached.

"Mr. Dragneel, Ms Heartfillia is doing well, she's outside the door, now plea-"

I didn't let her finish I forced myself to get up and walk to the door, she tried pulling me to the bed but I shoved her to the side and shoved the door. My Lucy was outside of it asleep in the waiting chair, she looked tired and a little scratched up, not as badly as I was, but she did have a brace on her wrist and a purple bruise on her arm..

"Mr Dragnee-"

"shh" I hushed her so Lucy wouldn't wake up, she looked pale and tired. I limped into the room and sat back onto the bed.

"why haven't you treated Lucy? She looks like she hasn't slept in a week." I shamed the doctor.

"well, she hasn't slept for the two days you have been out" The doctor informed me.

"how come you didn't make her sleep?" I asked.

"well she refused, she wanted to make sure you were okay" The doctor said shaking her head.

"oh, why would she do that? I saved her so she would be fine" I snapped.

"well I don't think she wants to see you go" The Doctor responded.

"why would she do that?" I asked.

"beats me kid, and please rest, you seem to have remembered everything which is really rare in most cas-"

"Lady, I don't care, I forget things all the time" I shrugged rolling my eyes.

"not to this extent, you forgot a whole month of information" She said.

"well, once I forgot who everyone I knew from school after summer break" I responded challenging her.

"you had very severe amnesia" She tried explaining.

"Natsu?" Lucy had opened the door and looked at me.

"Hey Luce, I remember everything!" I explained.

"what?" Lucy looked at the doctor confused but also happy.


Good News! My twin is going to be sending me her stories so that I can post them for her! So you guys can now enjoy her books too!! Enjoy!

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