9. Special World (Misamo)

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Sana and Momo were in love. As their best friend, Mina saw it coming from a mile away. Everyone did. It seemed like the only people who didn't know that Sana and Momo were in love were Sana and Momo themselves (or Momo, at least).

But Mina felt the change in their relationship one day. She saw the gentle shift in the way that Sana and Momo smiled at each other, the way their eyes sparkled with more affection than usual, the way their special world with each other grew just a little bit bigger, leaving Mina feeling just that much more isolated as a result.

"Sana kissed me last night," Momo told Mina, confirming the change that Mina had already noticed between them.

"It wasn't a big deal," Sana said, but the affectionate smile that passed between Sana and Momo told Mina exactly how significant the kiss really was.

Mina knew that she could never compete as number one in either of their hearts. Sana and Momo had grown up together, inseparable from the ages of 6 to 16, but Mina always thought she was a close second place since the day she met them when they were 12.

Sana and Momo were always doting on her and spoiling her like no one else ever had. But as much as Sana and Momo held her hands and hugged her, as much as they showered her with praise and affection and soft kisses on her cheeks, Mina knew that the gap between first place and second place in their hearts was enormous.

So Mina spoke nothing about the loneliness in her heart whenever Sana and Momo looked at each other. She hid the burning jealousy she felt whenever she saw them kiss. Mina was sincerely happy for her two best friends, but the burden of being second place, just outside of the borders of their special world, became too much for Mina to bear.

"I'm jealous of you guys," Mina found herself saying one night, several months into Sana and Momo's new relationship. The three of them were hanging out in Mina's room after school. Momo and Sana had just shared another kiss in front of her, and Mina was unable to hold back her selfish truth. "I wish you guys would love me, too."

The room grew quiet as Sana and Momo shared a curious look with each other. "What do you mean exactly?" Momo asked cautiously.

Mina sighed. "You guys have your special world that I can never be a part of and it sucks. I get that you guys are dating. I get that you're in love each other, but I just wish--" Mina paused, unable to hide the truth any longer. "I wish both of you would fall in love me, too. I know it's weird--"

"It's not weird," Sana instantly replied, but Mina shook her head.

"It IS weird. I feel like I'm in love with both of you and--"

Sana leaned over and kissed Mina on the corner of her mouth. Mina pulled back in surprise, not expecting that reaction after what was basically a love confession to her two best friends at the same time. She stared back at Sana with her cheeks burning in embarrassment, unable to comprehend the serene smile on Sana's face. Mina looked over at Momo and saw more of the same peaceful expression.

"Sana and I talked about it a lot, and we realized a while ago that we both feel the same way about you. We're both in love with you, too," Momo clarified warmly for the stunned youngest girl. She gently took Mina's hand in her own, slowly as to not scare Mina away. "We just never knew how to tell you. We didn't think you'd feel the same way."

Sana smiled and slowly took Mina's other hand. "If you don't want us to love you that way, then we can pretend this was just a friendly kiss. But if you want it to mean more, it can mean more."

Mina looked back and forth at the warmth and adoration in Sana and Momo's eyes. The love she felt from them was everything she had ever wanted. But then to everyone's surprise, Mina burst into tears.

"You guys are mean," Mina cried, bringing her hands to her eyes. Her heart was overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. "You guys got to talk to each other about your feelings for me, but I've been alone with my feelings for you all this time."

"We're sorry we left you alone," Sana murmured, pulling Mina into the warm hug that she had been longing for.

"We'll never leave you alone again," Momo promised, wrapping her arms around Mina and Sana both. Mina felt relieved as they held her within their embrace, centered within their world instead of as an outsider looking in.

Sana's lips hesitantly skimmed the corner of Mina's mouth again, asking for permission to deepen the kiss and Mina accepted her love warmly. Momo began to gently press her lips against Mina's cheeks, begging for attention, and she turned to kiss Momo too. Mina could feel Sana and Momo's special world growing again, this time to include her as well.

Mina, Sana, and Momo were in love. No one saw it coming, not even Mina, Sana, or Momo themselves. But now that their relationship included the three of them, they realized that their special world was complete.

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