Chapter 21: Owen's POV

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How many times in my life would I be forced to say it? Dana was right; I would be getting used to the four walls of my bedroom if my life was going to continue like this for the next several weeks. I swear I could name every crack, every nook and cranny, every last spill from sodas I wasn't supposed to have in here. The off-white plaster patch that covered the doorknob-sized hole in the wall- not hard to guess where that came from. All of the titles of the seven books covered in dust, resting on the neglected bookshelf. Who knows, at this point, I might actually start reading them!

I rolled over on my bed and groaned, letting my feet hang off the end of the bed carelessly. I had just gotten to the point where I could lie on my back without any pain, but I was still slightly wary of sitting. Even though it had been three whole days since Ben had torn up my ass, he'd done a hell of a job and left me feeling the aftermath for a lot longer than I normally would have.

I let my dull eyes flick lazily to the digital clock beside my bed, even though I knew it was too early for anyone to be home yet- Penny had soccer and my brothers were busy doing their after school teacher's stuff. I didn't know why I was so lonely when no one was home, because it wasn't like I could just stroll out of my room and strike up a tête-à-tête with the first person I came across. Instead, I was basically locked in my room like a dog, only allowed out for meal times and to use the bathroom.

I like the voices, though. The soft murmurs that came through the walls, and the muffled clanging of dishes as someone prepared dinner, or the occasional bark of laughter. It reminded me that- despite the fact that I was grounded- my family was here and I was still a part of it. Plus, anything was better than this stifling, constant silence.

Suddenly, the sound of our large, wooden front door opening met my ears. I glanced at the clock again, but just two minutes had passed, and it was way too early for anyone to be home; school had just let out not half an hour before!

A light voice drifted up the stairs, and I felt my heart beat faster in excitement.

Now I really felt like a dog, practically jumping on my bed and ready to bound downstairs and hug my sister with all I had in me. Penny was home!

Ever since the night of the dance, she'd avoided our house like the plague. It was even worse than before-during our fight- and I was beginning to crave the few minutes I got to see her in the morning or during lunch. I know I sound like a complete sap, but my sister and I are extremely close, and the recent separation was getting to me.

As I heard her footsteps trail into the living room, I just couldn't resist myself.

I slinked quietly over to my closed door, turning the knob with the utmost caution. It opened easily, soundlessly, and I knew fate wanted me to see Penny, too.

As I walked down the short hallway, a second voice had me stopping in my tracks. It was deeper- a guy's- and sounded vaguely familiar.

Had Penny brought a boy home?

I tiptoed as softly as I could to the stair banister (which conveniently overlooked the living room) and carefully bent over it. I cursed inwardly as I realized Penny and the mystery guy had trailed into the kitchen, and out of my view.

As I was about to stomp back to my room in childish frustration, Penny and mystery guy began talking, and I decided to stay for a listen. I wasn't eavesdropping, I was just... checking to make sure my little sister was okay.

"You hungry?" I heard Penny ask.

"Starved," the deep voice responded.

"What do you want?"

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