1 | Jeju

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She gracefully dragged her suitcase, mind contemplating what fun she was about to have, on her own. It's been a long time since Jaehwa had alone time, always busy with work and all - and...

"Welcome to Jeju Island!" the resort attendant greeted, offering to take her suitcase with him. Jaehwa agreed, smiling as she bowed and proceeded to the reception counter. The interior looked very fine and elegant, however it still screamed the idea of beach with its wooden accents and designs all around.

Jaehwa could already feel how peaceful and relieving this trip would be, all alone by herself because this time, she refused anyone's company. The receptionist flashed her a smile and uttered almost the same statement as the other attendant she first met.

"Welcome to Jeju Island's finest hotel! Did you book a reservation, ma'am?" She held out a record book and opened it, beginning to turn the pages.

"I did, I booked a reservation under my name, it's Min Jaehwa." Jaehwa grinned expectantly, and then looked around once more. Behind the counter were wall clocks of different time zones, and in the middle was a framed quote; being with the sand gives the best comfort to a grieving heart.

There was something about that statement that made her look away and sigh. "It says here that you booked for two guests, Min Jaehwa and... if I'm not mistaken, your boyfriend?"

"Pardon? I don't remember booking for two. I came here alone." She instantly frowned at the boyfriend word. Jaehwa had seemed to hate the word often. The receptionist raised an eyebrow in disbelief, before stating a strange name. "Jung Hoseok?"

Right when Jaehwa was about to speak, the receptionist's attention was averted to the entrance. She had no idea why but for some reason, it caused her to look at the same direction.

There he was, flaunting his black snapback — white sleeves rolled up but unexpectedly, the buttons of his shirt were not unbuttoned, unlike those actual hunks in movies. Jaehwa was not attracted - yet. But she was intimidated upon noticing the man was walking his way.

He smiled radiantly like a sun, turning his gaze at the receptionist. "Hi! Did you say my name?"

Jung... Ho... seok? Jaehwa thought in her dumbfounded head. The name was a complete stranger to him, and never in his life did she meet a guy similar to him. Well, they were complete strangers after all. But one thing was familiar.

"Ah, yes. You booked for a room, with her," the receptionist glanced at Jaehwa and then back at Hoseok. "Right?"

"W-wait. No, you must've got it wrong. I booked one room, for one guest. Just me." Jaehwa begins to protest, careless of how he had caught the boy's attention.

He took off his snapback to get a better look at the girl. For a moment, he found himself smiling at her angry expression. Like any other man would say, "cute."

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