Part 13: "you are a child"

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The nerve, the actual nerve. If I get shouted at for 'not staying together' I swear to god Lucas is gonna get a slap.

Besides the fact that Lucas is an annoying, obnoxious idiot.....this ride is pretty sick. I am by myself which I will agree is a little more sad than I'm willing to admit, but it's either this or Lucas.

I don't know which one I prefer.

Who am I kidding, alone for the win. "Wooooooo" I let out a scream of excitement throwing my hands in the air as I go round a loop-the-loop. I don't know why but it just came into my head. I start singing "loop di loop, loop diddy loop, loop di loop di loop" as I go round the next loop. Not gonna lie; my remix of Kayne's song is pretty fire.

The ride comes to a stop and as soon as the seat belt thingy majiggy let's me loose I bounce out of my seat sprinting down the steps towards the exit, my bag bashing aggressively against my side. Sort of rude if you ask me.

"Liam where to next" I say excited, walking towards Liam and Toby, I think my inner child is channelling right now.

"Lunch, I'm starving" Lucas interrupts. Turning up as if nothing ever happened.Well it's about time he showed, his hair is a mess on top of his head and it reminds me of early this morning when he had bed hair.

"Yo, where did you go" Toby asks fist bumping Lucas. But it's my turn to interrupt.

"What do you think you're doing" I question him putting my hands on my hips for extra sass and authority.

"Going to get lunch?" Lucas questions himself as if he said the wrong thing, he's never seen this side of me, well at least not when he's been sober.

"That's not what I mean and you know it" I scowl at him.

"What?" He asks with genuine concern and confusion.

"Do you think because you're not my parent's child that they won't beat you for ditching us? Because I promise you they will. And then me for letting you leave. Where is your responsibility." I scold him prodding his chest lightly.

"Listen here" He says crouching so he's my height, and let's just say he had to crouch quite a bit to reach me. "I don't know if you've realised this, but I am an adult, legally in control of myself. You however, you are a child. Have you ever heard the term 'respect your elders', maybe close this" He says pointing to my mouth "and show a little respect. If you don't listen then you might have to be put in time out" he finishes by ruffling my hair, trying to patronise me.

He stands up straight and starts looking around for somewhere to eat. Liam and Toby are chuckling behind me and letting out little 'ohhh burn's. I turn to look at them and give them a death glare each, clearly not impressed. They both stop laughing and take a couple steps back.

I have never felt so angry, no, infuriated in my whole life. My blood is boiling under my skin, if someone were to touch me I would probably burn them. How does some insignificant delinquent aggravate me in a matter of seconds I'll never know.

Throwing out all of my morals, and forgetting all about being tranquil and a role model. It's funny how quickly a person I barely even know can anger me and push my big red 'don't touch' switch. I grab the front of Lucas' shirt with all I have and yank him down to my height. With venom dripping from my teeth I let go of my intelligent ideas to sedate myself, and explode in his face. No filter holding back my perfectly constructed persona. I hate being called a child with a burning passion.

"Now you listen here you big headed imbecile. Don't you dare speak to me like dog shit on the bottom of your shoe again or I promise you, you will be enjoying your daily meals through a tube in a hospital bed. I respect my elders but not when they're small dick, false allegation making road men wannabes. I don't know what your issue with me is and I don't understand why you're so rambunctious but you'd better suck it up because you're going to be staying in my house for the next few months and if you don't start trying to make this whole situation work then I'm going to make your life a living hell. So I suggest you stop wearing your ass as a fucking hat and stop being such a fucking manwhore." I finish by shoving him away from me ; grabbing my bag that fell off my shoulder and onto my forearm in the process of
my explosion and strut away from him. His startled expression signals that I won.

Aria 1 Lucas 0.

That's right bitches, I am ahead of his sorry ass.

I let out a exasperated breath and walk away from his petulant behaviour because I definitely do not want to become accustomed to it. Or accounted for the reason he's acting this way. I don't know who he thinks he is, but I will destroy his fantasies of controlling me right now before he gets anymore ideas.

Finding a burger place nearby I walk inside and find a seat. A few minutes later Toby and Liam enter and timidly sit at my table with Lucas following them suit.

"Liam, Toby?" I ask in as calm a voice as I can muster. "What would you like?" I ask them calmly. Breathing in and out carefully. I've never exploded like that before and the feeling that is coursing through me right now is new and foreign.

I feel like I'm walking on cloud 9 and I'm not too sure how to react at the moment . I'm avoiding Lucas' stares all together, not wanting to know what his face looks like.

Probably ugly like always.

Toby and Liam are giving each other worried glances before they both stare at my hand. I look down and realise that it is scrunched up into a fist. I gently unclench my fist and roll my wrist to try to rid of the aching feeling.

"Um, I like fr-fries." Liam stutters, unsure of how to respond to my question.

"And burgers" Toby adds quietly. God it wouldn't kill them to congratulate me the same way they did Lucas only seconds ago.

"Ok, I'll get you both a burger, fries and a coke?" I ask them nicely, smiling as wide as I can. But their scared faces tell me my smile is probably lopsided and forced.

They nod frantically and I walk away, ignoring Lucas. I order them their food and myself a chicken tikka wrap and a cherry coke. I look down at my palms and notice my scars are open once again.

No one has ever noticed them before, well besides Holly and Austin. But I have some serious anger issues. And if I'm not careful then my cool and relaxed persona can erupt. Ok maybe I'm not completely 'cool' or 'relaxed' but I think people understand the jist of it. Once I have the food I walk back to the table.

Lunch is quiet, awkward and lasts way too long. After we eat we go on a couple rides, all together this time, Toby and Liam are happily talking now. Lucas hasn't said a thing which is definitely for the best. As I'm walking past people they all jump out of my way and avoid me at all costs. Maybe it's because I'm refusing to move or because of my facial expression but either way I'm glad.

We meet with my parents and head to the car park. I'm glad to finally go home, but I'm not looking forward to the ride home. With Lucas.

Toby and Liam gladly hop into my parents car, watching me cautiously as I mutter under my breath. They seem to find it funny as they keep giggling like idiots. But I decide to ignore it as I don't need to explode anymore than I already have.

Glad to see Bradley after a long day I engulf him into a warm hug, wanting nothing more than to be away from Lucas right now.

"Hey Aria, did you have fun on the rides" he asks in a small voice. He's so precious.

"Yep" I smile kissing his forehead and putting him down, feeling relaxed already. He babbles on about some dinosaur ride he went on but I tune him out, just enjoying the last few moments - of not being in my car.

Lucas gets into the passenger seat without a word or a glance in my direction. After Bradley is strapped in I follow him into my car and start the engine. Neither of us saying a word. Bradley can notice the tension as he keeps looking between Lucas and I. Before sighing and settling on looking out the window.

I know I shouldn't of exploded like that in front of everyone like I did. But I couldn't help myself, Lucas is so infuriating and I couldn't hold back. But I do realise I was a little dramatic. I pull the car out of the crowded parking lot and out into the main road. I feel bad now.

"I uh, I shouldn't have exploded like that" I say bluntly.


Here is a new chapter. You're so very welcome. Also I am 20 GCSEs into my exams. I have one Physics exam tomorrow and then I'm done with school. 🙏🏻 To anyone who has to endure more years of school....I'm glad I'm not you 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry not sorry. Byeeeeeee <3


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