Chapter 4

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Jennifer's pov
Can I just say I have never been this nervous with a guy most of the time the guy is coming for me but now this guy is not. This is going to be a very interesting day. As I got ready for school I got more nervous I never am this way. He has some sort of effect on me that I can't explain and it scares me yet makes me feel so good. I feel so guilty about hurting him. When I get in the car and go to pick up Marry I see him get in his car I can't believe I live this close to him. When I arrive at Marry's she comes out.
"you ready for the day?" She said
"what am I supposed to do about harry he is probably mad at me." I said
"when we walk in lets find him and his friend liam and then we can talk to them and see where it goes." She said
"okay okay" I said boy it's going to be a long day

Harry's pov
When Liam and I got to school we waited in the front like we always do and we just were talking
"look I know yesterday was a bust but today can be better." Liam said
"Oh ya totally like she will just walk right up to us and be like hey let's be besties no she's popular and you have noticed we aren't she didn't even know we were in class for the last 6 years like what." I said
"that's true but-" Liam got cut off by someone
"hey guys." Jennifer Said is this some kind of joke
"hi Jennifer and Marry." I said
"what's up guys." She said
"not much." I said slowly looking at liam he looked just as confused as I was but he was also drooling over Marry
"look about yesterday. I am sorry about lunch I don't know what came over me." She said
"it's okay I was not that surprised." I said as I was about to leave she touches my arm and a tingle went through my body
"Don't say that you should not have to think that way I feel bad so Marry and I are going to be with you guys today at lunch. If that's okay with you guys." She said Liam and I were dumfounded
"ya that's fine see you at lunch then." I said and me and Liam turned around and walked away
"what the hell just happened." He said
"I honestly don't know but we better prepare for a day of lunch with the 2 girls we have been crushing over for years." I said
"that's for sure." He said we then went are separate ways

Lunch time
I met Liam at are spot and we sat down
"you ready?" He asked
"no I am afraid of making a fool of myself." I said
"same but I know we will so it's all good." He said
'That's true." I said
"here they come." He said I then saw them walk right past the cheerleader table when they were calling there names and came right to are table Jennifer sat down next to me and Marry sat down next to liam.
"hello gentleman." Jennifer said
"hi guys." Marry said
"hello." Liam and I said at the same time
"how was your classes so far." Jennifer said
"fine my math teacher though was being an asswhole to me today saying that I am not capable of being a doctor because I got a question wrong like fuck that." I said
"ya teachers are asswholes but we put up with them." Marry said with a smile then looked at liam and smirked he looked pale Jesus we need to get it together. All of a sudden the evil one herself come over, Sally.
"Jennifer and Marry why are you here with these 2 losers." She said oh I am the loser okay
"they aren't losers." Marry said
"you don't even know them." Jennifer said
"oh you didn't tell her Harry?" Sally said
"what?" Jennifer said
"when me and sally were in middle school we dated and it was one of the worst decisions I have ever made." I said
"worst decision you have ever made you wouldn't leave the house!" She screamed people started looking over at us
"don't forget you were the one who asked me out so if you didn't like me you should never have done that and I am still baffled I even said yes you are an asswhole." I said
"how dare you!" She screamed
"what?" I said sarcastically
"well Jennifer and Marry you have fun with these losers." She said and walked away
"I can't stand her." Liam said
"wow I didn't know you to dated." Marry said
"it was quite literally the worst decision I have ever made." I said
"wait what exactly happened." Jennifer said
"when I was in 7th grade I met her and she was very sweet we hung out as friends for a while when one day she asked me out I said yes because she was nice and cute we went on a couple of dates and then we decided to be official we were dating for like 5 months. The reason we ended was because i am a very quit anti social person so I preferred staying inside and watching movies and ordering take out but she hated that she always called me names so eventually after 5 months I broke up with her. She was very mad and I was like fuck you and that was the last time I talked to her." I said
"Wow" Jennifer said baffled
"ya I never liked her I was trying to get him to break up with her sooner but he was to nice to do it." Liam said
"ya ya ya I know I should have but I didn't and I can't go back." I said
"That's for sure I can't believe she ever had a boyfriend for more than a week." Marry said
"Marry! Be nice!" Jennifer said scowling her
"What! It's true!" Marry defender herself I laughed and Jennifer tried to hide her grin
"Anyways Jennifer Marry how were your classes." Liam said
"boring." Jennifer said
"ya my teachers don't know how to teach without making me want to go to sleep." Marry said
"ya same but tonight Harry and I are slammed because we are starting are new job today at the massage place down the street and we have a lot of homework." Liam said and groaned
"really? Massage all that." Marry said
"yes." Liam said
"we love going there after practice they give the best massages." Jennifer said
"cool." I said then we here the bell ring
"off to class we go." I said as we were all walking away Jennifer came beside me.
"Harry I have a question." Jennifer said
"ya sure what's on your mind?" I said trying to be smooth
"I was wondering if this weekend you wanted to go out? Just the two of us?" She said
" like a date?" I said absolutely shocked.
" ya like a date." She said blushing this cant be happening
" ya sure." I said
" great! hears my number we can talk more later." She said and gave me her number and then she turns to me and kisses my cheek and walks away with a blush.  Holly! That shit just happened!

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