I'm sorry mom.
mineta wus out inna big city lookin 4 hentai an out of nowher
BAMM! >:o
Mr.hanman an his spookie bois came into da city an default danced on eeryone!
mineta didn't no wud 2 doo!
Soh he run 2 de turtle man ting and forknife danced on hims.
mineta didn't no dat he maid de bigis misake of his lyfe.
mineta herd de halo teeme song starts an he new wot wuz cumin.
Jus beefor him died he sawed de turtl man t-pose on hims.R.i.p in pepperoni mineta 😔🤠👌👏👊😬🍇💝🤠❌✂️😭😔❄️😭😤🔥🗑🙏🦈🌚💦🍠🚦⚰️