Chapter 3: A Work of Cooperation

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Ruby's Point of View:

For the whole night, I recall dreaming about her. About her hair, her face, her dress, her body, about her absolutely beautiful self... Until I was suddenly woken up by my sister, who knocked on my forehead a few times like she always did. Uh, Yang! Let me sleep... The words couldn't come out as I was too sleepy to answer with my mouth.

"Come on, Ruby! I'm gonna help you since today is my day off... Dad said you needed to have a job, and I know where you are going to work..." She said with a grin, smiling at me. Ugh.

"Yang... Leave me... Alone!" I frowned with my eyes still closed and I took hold of a cat-shaped pillow next to my own and threw it on my sister, receiving it in the face as it fell back down on the edge of my bed, Yang pouting a bit.

"Well then, you won't get to see her all day every day." She said, silently counting backward from three to zero with her fingers, and at zero I suddenly sat up, eyes still struggling to open.

"Okay, you won..." I yawned a bit, smiling at her with my tongue stuck out. "But don't ever wake me up so early again..." I giggled. Yang, you could have wakened me up sooner!

It took me about ten minutes to get ready, having not taken breakfast or anything, since I was too busy thinking about her and how I would get her attracted to me. Slowly, I made my way downstairs where dad and Yang were waiting for me, Dad to get to work and Yang to come with me.

"So, heard you are going to work in the same place as your crush? He must be serious hot to have you be ready to finally get a job for him. Even back in Patch, you didn't want to..." He winked and went to me, as Yang giggled. Yang, why??? Welp, at least she didn't tell him it was a beautiful girl, so I shouldn't be too hard on her... Dad suddenly hugged me tightly, wrapping his arms tightly around my arms. "I'm so proud you finally are in love with someone..."

"Y-Yeh dad, thank you and all, but if you keep... Hugging me like this, I might not... Live long enough to show him to you..." I said, coughing a little as dad chuckled nervously and pulled away, grinning sheepishly.

"Dad, we gotta go. She will be late for the interview I planned for her." She smiled at me, with the same caring and almost motherly face she gave me when she looked after me when dad wasn't there. Thanks, Yang...

Weiss's Point of View:

Today, I got up like every day, at 6 AM. I slowly sat up and yawned, looking around my room as if I was somewhere unknown. I dreamt about her all night... I'm in love. Why must I be in love with a girl?! I'm going to get grounded, scolded, and my mom will dance on my grave! I slowly took a deep breath and hid my face in my hands. "Come on, take a hold of yourself. You won't let that girl trail you away from your day of work." I said with a nervous voice as I slowly turned around, putting my feet on the ground and standing up, putting a hand on my neck and rubbing it slowly as I looked through the window situated next to my bed and on top of my nightstand.

"What's your name..." I asked myself, knowing I wouldn't get an answer, sighed and went to my wardrobe to dress up into my work suit, a simple white dress with red buttons trailing down it from the collar. I liked that dress. Simple but elegant. I took off my pajamas, shivering a bit at the little breeze coming from my slightly opened window and going to the slightly opened door, still left opened from yesterday. I slowly took the work dress on and took on my high heels, looking at myself in the mirror. Why do I try to be pretty? It's no use since I won't see her again... And nobody else will catch my attention as much as she did... I said to myself in my head, before sighing again. Stop thinking about that girl, you stupid head!

I yelled at myself in my head and turned to walk out of my room, directly going downstairs where my mom was already eating her own, light breakfast, being on a diet to look fitter than she already was. I sat at the table and looked at my space on the table. A red glass, with a red plate, full of Bacon, scrambled eggs, and a fork with a red handle.

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