Hero 3 Part 2

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Khalia Harris.

"Khalia I really think we should be together..." As soon as I heard those words Chris Brown started singing Don't Wake Me Up...shit it really was just a dream. Latoya wake up. "hmmm" c'mon we got school "ok ok im coming" I knew she wasn't gonna wake up for another hour or so, so I just decided to get ready and leave for school myself.

Kayden McClean.

I was walking down the hallway when I saw my future girlfriend Khalia. Hopefully she won't reject me. Hey Kali  "Oh um hi kayden" How you been? "Um ive been good...what about you?" Oh Ive been good. "thats good...well i have to get to class" Oh yeah me too...okay bye. Well that was better we actually had a conversation...thats a start.

Latoya Williams.

I can't believe kali just left me like that. I slept way into fourth period. Ah might as well just not go to school.


I started playing flappy bird until my phone rang. Hello? "Hey toya" Hey, thanks for leaving me this morning. "Girl you know its a mission tryna wake yo ass up! Haha you right. "Anyway, Imma swing by soon cause Im just gonna try go home tonight." Aight see ya soon.


Khalia Harris.

Thanks for letting me crash here couple days. "No problem girl. And you know if your mom start trouble you again you can always come back." Thanks toya you a good friend. "huuuhh, I know, aight get out my house!" Hahaha ok ok im leaving. Okay time to go to the place I unfortunately call home.

I held my breath and counted to three...1...2...3...Open...I walked in and saw that the kitchen was clean, the living room floor was vacumed, everything was in place except my mother. Hello!! I yelled but know one answered. Am I in the right house? I thought to myself. Why is everything so clean, Where is my mother? "Thats thanks to me" I heard a voice say. Woah who are you? "I'm the maid. My name is Edna" Oh well Hello Edna. Edna was a very beautiful woman. She was around 5'8, light skinned, copper coloured hair with a nice body. Since when did we get a maid? "Since your mothers boyfriend hired me." BOYFRIEND!! MY MOTHER IS TIED DOWN WHATT?? B-Boyfriend you say? "hmm shr started dating him about a week ago! ABOUT A WEEK AGO WEEK AGO!!! F.CK WIT US AN THEN WE TWEKIN HOE TWEKIN HOE BURN UP ON A NIGGA GET THE SQUEAZIN HOE SQUEAZIN ERRBODY CATCH A BULLET HOW BULLET HOE!!. Haha wooow "yeah your momma seem like a hoe to me. No offense" None taken, she is one, and a crackhead, and an alchoholic. " Oh woow." Yeah I know. She was never like this, It started when My dad past away a few years ago. "Awwe you poor thing" Its okay we all have to go sometime...so is your real name Edna? "Well my birth name is Avery but my grandmother called me Edna" Do you like that name? "Oh God No. I hate it. I prefer Avery" Oh okay well imma call you Avery then. "Uhh I" WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN CHILD!! My mother yelled! Why does it matter to you! "Exuse me bitch. Who the hell do you think you're talking to." Weeell not my mother. "You want me to beat ya ass don't you? "I wish you would come beat my ass. "Jerome I can't deal with this" "You want me to handle it?" I know this Jerome nigga ain't finna "handle" Me. "......No just leave it, Ill deal with her later" Pfft okay bish niggggaaa we'll see about that. "Jerome I will see you later...take avery home please." aight fine" "umm no ill take the bus"



This woman really needa stop slapping me...

"How dare you speak to your mother like that...you're lucky i didn't get jerome to come deal with you." And you're lucky dads dead. "don't you dare mention your father in this hou-- "Debra Hamilton you are under arrest for child abuse and the possesion of marijuana. You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attourney if you cannot afford an attourney one will be provided for you. "This is bullshit! I have a daughter to raise" Im eighteen!

...Why I can't believe I just witnessed my mother get arrested. Wooohoooo i got the house to myself

Yess Yess I know this chapter is looooonnnnnng over due. I apologize i just have been bombarded with homework. Instead of updating every friday I will try update every other friday. Okay yall have a great turkey day (Canadian followers) nae_grace_wil♥

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