1 Luffy

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The way you meet the characters is the same way how Luffy meet the others, With a bit of a twist cause Law needs to come sooner boi.

your point of view

Mom droved to my new school with an annoyed expression, I sat at the back while looking down at my hands.

"I told you to wake up early! Now were late!" I looked up as she said that, A frown on my innocent and adorable features.

'It's not my fault..' You wondered why she was always so dissapointed in you, Finding ways to scold and yell at you.

"You better behave, Or else I'll literally trow you out of the house if you cause trouble." She briefly glanced at me from the rear view mirror before focusing on the road.

"Alright.." You said sadden, Looking out the window and to the sky since you were too short to see anything else than the beautiful blue.

After a few minutes of driving, You saw a two story building that was decorated pretty and adorable.

Your eyes sparkled on the sight of it, Even though you mostly couldn't see the first floor.

"Get out." She harshly said, Furrowing her eyesbrows as you quietly got out of the car. Within seconds she drove off, 'I though she will walk me to class like always..'

You turned around and faced the school, 'Right, The fronr desk!'

"Hey!" You jumped, Hearing a deep voice from behind.

"Y-yes?" Yiu questioned, Turning to see a dark haired boy who was much taller looking down at me.

"Get out of the way pipsqueek." He scowled and shoved past me, You nearly fell to the ground when someone caught me from behind.

"That wasn't nice Tra-guy!" A childish and loud voice said from behind.

"Stop saying my name wrong! It's Trafalgar Law!" The boy, Now known as Law yelled back, An irk mark on his forehead.

"Why'd you push her!" You turned your head slightly to see a raven haired boy with a strawhat on his head the one holding you on his arms.

"I didn't! She was in the way!" Law turned to you and glared, You blinked in confusion.

"I'm telling Shanks!" Your catcher announced, About to run inside the building while holding your hand when someone called for him.


'So Luffy's his name?' You thought, Watching as Luffy stopped and turned to grin at a group of kids.

Three boys, one with green hair and white hoodie, one with blonde hair and yellow shirt, and another with long curly black hair wearing overrals. A girl with strawberry blonde hair in a white dress and a short kid I nearly missed, He had brown hair with a cute smile as he shyly tug on the hem of his red shirt.

"Hi!" Luffy greeted, Meeting my eyes. "Oh! I'm Luffy! What's yours?" He grinned, And I couldn't help but smile back.


Any typos? Tell meh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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