Sev' Elev'

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Michaels POV

      I ran my hand through Rich's honey blond hair, twirling my finger through the fiery red streak.  Rich asked, Can we get out of here?  I could tell he was slightly drunk by the way he talked a little too loudly, even if music was playing.  I said, Sure.  I grabbed him by the hand and helped him up.  Not that he really needed it.  People can't usually tell when Rich is drunk or not.  But I can.  There are small, minute changes in his behavior that tell me, he's has too much to drink.  He stands up with ease and we walk out of the party, hand in hand.  I didn't know whose party this was.  I wasn't invited.  I only came as Rich's friend.  Actually, boyfriend, but he didn't like to tell people that.  It didn't bother me though.  I don't like parties anyway. I ask, Where do you want to go?  Rich thinks for a moment.  He says, Rhode Island.  I laugh a little.  I say, Thats, like, five hours away dude.  Rich shrugs.  He says, Whatever.  I look at the pavement and shake my head.  We are not going to Rhode Island.  I know why he wants to go though.  We went there for a festival a few months ago.  That was fun.  But I'm too tired to drive five hours. And Rich is in no shape to drive at all.  Even so, he tries to get into the drivers seat.  I say, No Rich, I'm driving.  He rolls his eyes.  He says, Get in bitch.  I know he's not serious but his tone kinda scares me.  I say, Rich.  This time I try to sound serious.  I guess it works.  He sighs and switches to the passenger side.  I raise my eyebrows.  I didn't think that would work.  I get in and start driving.

I don't usually drive.  Rich does mostly.  Or Jeremy. Or my parents, but not usually them. So I'm not very experienced and my driving is kinda shitty.  I find I'm hitting the gas to hard and it sends us jolting forward.  Or I'm pressing down on the brake too rough and we come to a violent halt.  I look over at Rich.  He's really pale.  I'm scared he's gonna vomit in my car.  It's a cherry red 2001 PT Cruiser.  I park us, badly, at a 7/11.  I unbuckle Rich and get out.  Rich staggers out behind me.  Now he's stumbling.  But not because of the alcohol.  I reach for Rich's hand as we walk in.  He ignores my advance.  He doesn't like pda.  The fluorescent lights give off a green-ish glow.  It's empty.  There's not even anyone at the register.  I don't even have to think.  I just automatically go to the back wall.  That's where the slushy machines are.  I grab the largest cup they have.  I fill half of it with wild cherry and the other half with blue raspberry.  I turn to Rich and say, It kinda looks like a sunset.  He laughs softly at me.  Under his breath he mumbles, Gay.  I smile.  But honestly, I don't like Rich when he's drunk.  It's not fun.  I mean, I love Rich.  But I don't always like him. 

    I pay and we leave.  Rich says, God my head hurts man.  I say, it's cause you're drunk.  Rich can hold his liquor pretty well.  I can too.  I just don't like to drink that much.  Not Jeremy on the other hand.  He vomits like a baby or something.  Rich says, No, it's because you fucking suck at driving.  He laughs.  It's not a mean laugh.  More like a, oh my gosh you're so incompetent but it's cute in way, laugh.  So I laugh too.  I pull out of the gas station.  I try not to hit anything.  Or anyone.  Luckily, I'm successful.  Rich turns on the radio.  He loves heavy metal rock type stuff.  I do not.  But I let him listen.  Next to me, he jams out by himself.  He's kind of a dork.  But in a cool way.  Like, if I tried doing air guitar I'd look dumb.  But Rich looks sick.  I dunno.

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