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What if you woke up one day and you could not see at all, that is what happened to me, the doctor said it was coming but I did not know it would be so soon, that I would go to sleep and wake up blind, I am Julie, I went out to a coffee shop and I ran into someone like literally, I knew her speaking voice and I knew her laugh really well, it was pretty famous, I reached up and touched her face and i said Ia m really sorry to have run into you, I sat down and trying to drink my drink and she asked can I sit with you? I said, of course, she asked what is your name and age? I am Julie and I am 19 years old, she asked why did you reach out and touch my face? well long story short my doctor told me I was going blind and I woke up this morning totally blind, not able to see anything at all and I touched you so I could feel your face and know who was in front of me but I  kinda got a clue when I heard you talk and I heard your laugh, she said so I guess you know already I am demi then, and before I lost my sight, I always thought you were beautiful, I mean I still do, aww thank you, I think you are, thank you demi, want to be friends?, I mean I would give you my number but I don't know how we would text, here I gave her my phone, I have a program that I can just speak what I want to say and it will text you, she gave me her number and I gave her mine and I asked can I have a hug? sure and she hugged me and I smiled at her, I have to go, my mom is coming to pick me up soon, maybe we can talk later on

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