part 2 •Dating

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"Val I like you too. I ran to Newt cause I freaked out when you said you liked me" she walked over and hugged him. He looked down at her. "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" They kissed. "Woohoo! Congrats guys!" Winston - keeper of the Slicers - congratulated. Alby walked over to them. "Ok, I have a rule, I don't - and I repeat DON'T - want you two to end up having a kid" Alby looked at Minho. "Yeah yeah I understand" "I'm serious Minho" Newt walked over. "Minho we have rules here for a reason. We aren't capable of taking care of a child, its not the safest place either. Plus, one Minho is enough" he said with a chuckle. The next day, the Box came up with a new Greenie. He looked to be 12 or 13 years old. "My's Chuck..." the little boy said. "Nice to meet you, I'm Valerie" she showed him around
~A month later ~ It was Minho and Valerie's one month anniversary of being together. So they spent the day at the lake. Thanks to Alby, they got to have the day off from their work. One day Valerie wasn't feeling good, and she got sick. "Uh oh..this isn't good....."

Hope you enjoy! Part 3 coming soon :)

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