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Dear P' No,

This is so hard for me. I thought of all the ways I could begin this letter and finally decided it was best to start here. Without Nic I would have never met you and because of him, I was able to spend so much precious time with you so far. 

I miss you P'No and I am sorry that you feel that you don't know me. I have chosen to bare all to you in these letters because I want you to know the good and the bad about me. I want you to understand the choices I made and why. I want you to see how much you mean to me. 

I hope that these words of truth will allow me to reach you P'No because with every day that you remain hurting, I die a little more...

Kengkla walked thought the door and smiled sweetly at the teacher who immediately softened. He handed her a note and she read it quickly then nodded.

"Class, we have a new student. This is Kengkla. He has just returned from Europe and will be joining our class. Kengkla, please sit next to Technic. From now on, consider him your buddy. Technic, you know what to do."

Nic stood and wai to the teacher as the 11 year old Kengkla walked down to the empty desk. "I will take good care of him Ms. Rockmondee."

Class proceeded until the bell rang. Nic waited until Kengkla had collected his things and led him out. He immediately began showing him around, telling him all the insider information and introducing him to all the people he needed to know.

They spent the entire first entire week together and Kengkla found a kindred spirit in Nic who was as sly as he was smart. They became a duo and were easily the envy of many. They simply had to breath and most of the other boys wanted to be them while the girls wanted to be next to them. There was always a pack of giggling girls wherever they went and it was annoying to say the least.

At 13, Kengkla moved back to Europe and came back almost a year later. He had kept in touch with Nic and easily enrolled in the same school he had. 

Back with Nic, they now trolled the same places and often hooked up, going their separate ways, only to meet up again at Kengkla's place. Sometime Kla would even crash at Nic's house, especially when his older brother was gone to football camp. They never say P'No at school since he attended a different one from Nic. No's school had one of the best football coaches in the district. Nic went to a more academically driven institution. He had a full scholarship though very few people knew that.

"Hey," Nic walked in to find Kla looking frustrated. "Wow. What's up?"

"I'm trying to convince Mom to let me stay. She wants to go back to Europe again."

"Oh. Why does she move so much?"

"Mom works freelance. When she get's a client, she goes to them. Dad wants her to quit. He makes more than enough money to take care of everything. Mom wants her own money thought."

"Why. They are married." Kla shook his head. He wasn't sure but he suspected her reason why and it bothered him. He didn't like that thought at all. 

"I just know I want to stay here. I'm free here. In Europe there are too many rules."

Nic lay back on the bed and stared at Kla. They had met four years ago when Kla walked in on the first day of a new term. It was easily apparent that he was smart but so was Nic. Teachers would often pair them because they were sure that the two didn't need to copy off each other or dump the work on the other in order to get an easy A.

Nic, however was invaluable to Kla for a different reason. Nic was always on the inside of everything. He had created a network around the school using girls and katoeys who liked him. They kept him up to date with other students and teachers and he kept them afloat by feeding them school work. He was really great at guessing what came on a test and was almost never wrong. For his close circle, he gave them his cheat sheets for free, but for everyone else, he sold for a small sum. 

Kla had an automatic entry on the inside by being Nic's best friend. He had access to everything Nic knew. Right now it was getting him all the ass and pussy he wanted but he wished it would get him to remain in Thailand.

Kengkla left his class again and returned 8 months later. He was now 15 and had grown into quite the tall and handsome young man. The only person who seemed to match him in looks and height was Nic. They gathered attention wherever they went and had teachers eating out of the palm of their hands. 

They were so pleased with both boys that they soon placed Kengkla as the student government treasurer and Nic as the secretary. It was only because the son of the principal was in their year group, and an over achiever himself that he was elected president. Now here was the real goody two shoes. 

Neither boy could stand him and he made his dislike for them very obvious. If it weren't for the fact that he often used a third party to buy their cheat sheets and made good use of any information he had over heard, he would have made sure they were never nominated for the positions in the student government.

While things seemed to be fine in his school life, Kengkla found his personal life was a mess. His suspicions were confirmed when he overheard his parents arguing. 

He confided in Nic who offered him a refuge whenever he should need it. They continued to go out, attending parties and getting girls, and boys for Kengkla who was bi. That was another thing he liked about Nic. The guy didn't care who he fucked. He didn't ask questions and didn't judge. If he didn't already know Nic too well, he would have made the perfect lover. 

Kengkla sat in class and thought about it, staring at Nic absently. As quickly as he counted all the reasons he could be with Nic, he discarded them. They had one glaring issues besides their sexuality.

Well two.

The first was that they were just too fucking similar. They would lie, cheat and hurt each other throughout the relationship.

The second was an even bigger issue. Neither would bottom for the other. Nic wasn't anyone's bottom bitch despite what people might think and sure as hell wasn't going to bend over for Kengkla. 

Besides, this wasn't a reason but there was no attraction between them. There was nothing. Not a thing.

"What are you staring at?"

"Just thinking about what a mess we would be if we were ever in a relationship."

"Fuck off."

"No, I'm serious," Kengkla responded lazily. "I thought it through and it would never work."

"Don't want to give me your ass huh." Nic smirked over at him.

"That's a major factor. Besides there's just no spark between us. I like a little sizzle between the sheets. At least for the next two hours."

"Hooo. Only two?" Nic teased.

Kengkla leveled Nic with a look, making the other boy chuckle.

"Hey Kla." Nic called suddenly. "No matter what, let's always be brothers, ok."

Kengkla looked over at Nic in surprise then smiled.

"Sure. Besides, P'No sounds like the cool type who wouldn't mind taking care of another little brother. And hey! When am I going to meet him anyway?"

I was blessed to have met Nic because without him, I wouldn't have been able to get close to you. I hope that you can forgive him as well. He did what he did because of me. Please don't be too harsh on him.

Love always,

Nong Kla

Secretly in Love, A How to Secretly fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now