♡ 09 ♡

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Minseo's POV

A few days had passed and no one had found Minho yet, I received an unknown text but Jisung told me to leave it alone for the time being until the next meet up. I chose to go out this evening because I've been trapped in my apartment doing some research, I've got a few leads but they always lead to a dead end.

I suddenly got a phone call from an unknown number.


"Minseo, meet me at the café please."

I could already tell who it was and quickly grabbed my jacket and ran out. His voice was a bit worrying and I had to go check on him. I was on my way towards the café until someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the alley way. "WHAT THE FU-"

"Can you shut up for a second." When he took his hand off of my face I glared at him, realizing it was Chan I took a deep breath and slapped him in the face. Chan held his blood shot cheek and looked at me with widened eyes, "Minseo.." he whined.

"Don't Minseo me, you ruined the squad, everyone grew apart and how he's missing." I yelled.


"MINHO!" I answered back.

Chan's voice went from loud to quiet once he realized his mistake, "not Minho..." he seemed as if he knew something, "do you know anything about it?" I asked wrapped my hand around his. "Imthere was someone..there was a man who called me a year ago and threatened me to do something for him, and he threatened to use the others as bait, and since Minho was in the spotlight because of all that hate they chose to go after him, because it would be easier to lose his tracks..." I couldn't say anything in response to Chan's words, he knew and never told anyone.

"Before you say anything, I know, I know about everything. I looked everywhere for him but he was nowhere to be found. Minseo he's dead." Chan calmly said. HOW CAN ONE NOT HAVE ANY EMOTIONS!?? I looked at him with blood shot eyes before walking away, "I can't deal with you right now." I stomped away but he grabbed my hand once more, "Minseo, look. I didn't call you because if this, can we hurry things up, Jeongin is hurt." I didn't realize it at first but when I walked a bit around the alley I found the poor boy breathless on the ground. "Why haven't you called the ambulance!?" I yelled running up to Jeongin who was nearly about to pass out. "I can't, if I do anymore they will come after him too...and it could be any one of us." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'THEY' CHAN!? WHO IS THEY!?" I felt tears stream down my cheeks.

"Who was this, who was messing with our friends, what have we ever done!?" I yelled back at Chan, cupping Jeongin's cheek. "Minseo, lets not talk about this now, I feel like someone's watching us.." Chan pulled my chin up and gave me a light peck to keep me quiet, he remembers my weaknesses but why would he use them now. He let me go and picked up Jeongin who was on the floor lifeless. "Open the car door we need to go somewhere other than my place." He directed in a deep voice. "Woojin's place!" I recommended, but he faced the ground once he heard Woojin's name. "You can't ignore them forever you know, they still love you Chris..."

"I don't know.." he placed Jeongin in the backseat and walked to the drivers seat continuing to ignore my eyes. "Chan." I softly spoke this time trying to show him how serious I was. "I-i can't face them after what happened, this was my fault Minseo and we should keep it like that." He sighed, as he started the car.

"I will literally do anything."


"Anything Christopher, you name it and you can have it." The words blabbered out of my mouth but I trusted him, he's wise enough to make the right choice...right?

"I want you, and I want you to move in with me, I want to keep you safe this time."

I hesitated at first, but I truly loved this man.


"Shit, really!? I thought you'd say no"

I smacked his shoulder and signalled him to drive to Woojin's place. Everyone has been sleeping there since it was too dangerous to be alone.


"Alright lets go in."

The drive wasn't long but we finally arrived. Chris held the younger boy in his arms as he took a deep breath, "Woojin open the door!" I yelled, knocking the door as hard as I could. Someone eventually opened the door and stood there frozen as he made eye contact with Chan. "H-hey Jisung." You stuttered. I walked Jeongin to the living room couch and laid him down as he had a bit energy left. Once everything was done, Chan's story started from here.

Chan's POV

Minseo took Jeongin away from my arms and walked him into the house. Jisung stood in front of me as if he'd seen a ghost. It was odd though, he didn't show anger nor sadness, he just stared blankly with widened eyes. "H-HYUNG CHAN IS HERE!" Jisung stuffed his cheeks with air as he called out for Woojin, I grabbed him back and told him to shut up. "I'm sorry Jisung, I can't lose you guys forever, it's selfish but I was never able to come to apologize." He raised his arms high in the air and I was ready for a fist to my fact, but instead I revived a tight hug from him. "Chan, I missed you so much, we lost Minho and we can't lose you...we need the crew back so I won't let you go." He sobbed as he hugged me tighter. "Jisung I can't breathe." "You can die from lack of oxygen for all I care, you are not leaving my arms." He huffed.

From all these years, I remembered how it was to feel loved by a family of my own, not blood related but we were related in our own way.

It was a special bond that not even a fight could ruin.


Y'all I've been dead for the past few weeks I'm so sorry for not updating AHHHH also go check out my new story for Hyunjin 'The Ethereal Prince' SKKS

Anyways look forward to the next update :33

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