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You were a fox named (y/n), and a few years ago you got trapped into your own den. You didn't see it as a bad thing at first, in fact you were happy to have an excuse to stay inside and watch tv all day. If neighbors asked why you were gone for a day you could just say your den got blocked up and you'd be excused. After some weeks however, your mind started to change. Many rocks blocked your way of leaving, and though you tried removing them, there seemed to be a never-ending flow of them. You get rid of one layer, another one tumbles over into your living room.

Luckily, you had unintentionally prepared for this situation years back. You used to stack up on food in case of some sort of nuclear war or zombie apocalypse; you could never be too careful. You were soon running out of supplies, and as days passed, your fear of dying grew stronger. Currently, you sat lazily on your couch, feeding from a can of baked beans, sniffling and blankly staring at the tv which was off. The reflection off the dark screen displayed your sad figure and greasy fur. Perhaps a shower would help with being put in a better mood.

You got up, trudging towards the bathroom. Around 20 minutes into your shower, you heard violent rumbling. The ground underneath you shook and you heard something fall into the living room. Scared, you ran out, dripping water all over the place in a state of panic.

In front of you, a blinding light pierced your eyes. After being exposed to dim lamp lights for so long, this was insanely bright, yet somehow still pleasant. It was the sun! The seemingly last row of rocks tumbled down, creating a hole to the outer world. It must've been erosion eating away at the rocks blocking your exit for so long. The sun hugged you with its warmth like an old friend and heat up your drenched fur. You shook your entire body, shaking off the water, becoming instantly dry and fluffy. Excitedly, you ran outside, climbing over the rocks and looking eagerly into the forest.

There was no one outside in sight, so you decided to wander around until you met someone. It has been so long since you've talked to another actual living being. You used to talk to yourself and even inanimate objects sometimes during those times of isolation.

Suddenly, you saw a greenish figure emerge from the trees as you walked closer. They weren't moving, and their back was turned to you. You wondered what they were doing here by themselves standing and doing nothing.

" Hey!" You called out.

The figure turned to you. The shadows from the trees covered their face and body for the most part, you couldn't make out their expression. Just that they had piercing yellow eyes. If looks could kill, you'd be dead. All you could see were the eyes ominously staring back at you through the darkness ahead. You felt a knot tighten in your stomach. Why wasn't this guy greeting you back? Usually everyone here was nice. Were you gone for that long?

You felt someone behind you tackle you, causing you to fall to the ground. You were completely caught off guard, heart nearly stopping. You turned to see Petunia hugging you.

" Ah! Heheh" You laughed nervously, looking back at the figure that was standing in the woods only to see that they had disappeared. You were now kind of annoyed at her for interrupting, but it was nice to finally see someone again and have physical contact. You hugged her back and smiled once you pulled away.

" I missed you (y/n)! Where have you been??? When I first saw you I thought I was seeing things!" She said.

You scratched the back of your neck nervously, looking at the ground, " Well, I got stuck in my den. A bunch of rocks blocked it up and I couldn't get out."

" Oh my, that's horrible! I'm so sorry! If I knew where you lived I would've helped dug you out! Geez..."

" Yeah, luckily I uh, stacked up on food. I'm prepared for a lot of things haha..."

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