chapter 4: redemption and teaching Sora Xyz.

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Arata P.O.V:

It's been 1 week since the duel between me and Sawatari and since I've took Yuya's Pendulum cards. I don't know why I took them or have any memories of taking them in the first place, but I chose to return them.

I got out of bed, grabbed my D-pad, my deck, and yuya's cards and headed out to my destination, You Show Duel School.

As I enter I see Yuya dueling against Gong without her using the pendulum cards, and winning.

Yuya: Go Odd-Eyes, attack with Spiral Flame Strike!

Yuya's ace monster Odd-Eyes attack hits gong's superheavy samurai and won her the duel.

Yuya: yes I've won.

She started jumping around until she looked up here and saw me, which caused everyone to look at me.

Arata*nervous*: uh..hey..guys..hehe.

-small timeskip-

Arata*bows*: I'm sorry Yuya for taking your cards and the way I acted towards you guys.

Yuya: It's ok Arata, I forgive you.

Arata: y-you forgive me?

Yuya: yep.

Arata: thank you.

Yuzu: oh I've been meaning to ask you, where's Sora?

Arata: oh he's fine, don't need to worry about him.

-with Sora-

*monotone*: to Xyz Summon, you need some face-up monsters on the field with the same level. You’ll also need an Xyz Monster in your Extra Deck that fits that Level.

*Monotone*: Whenever you use an Xyz Material to pay a cost, or activate an Xyz Monster’s ability, the card will tell you to “detach” 1 Xyz Material. That means you take one of the Xyz Materials you stacked up under your Xyz Monster, and send it to the Graveyard.

-back with Arata-

Gong: what kind of training did you make him go through?

Arata: know..the usual.

-flashback 1 week-

As I am walking around the City with Sora, he decided to vreak the ice between us.

Sora: So coach, when will you teach me how to do that Pendulum Summon thing?

Arata: if you want to pull off the Pendulum Summoning technique then you would need Pendulum cards.

Sora: ok and how do I get these pendulum cards?

Arata: to be honest.. I don't know.

As I tell him, I see Sora on the ground with one leg in the air.


Arata: see.. I do use pendulum deck, but I don't know where I got them.

Sora: what do you mean?

Arata: I mean the first time I entered You Shows Duel School was for me to learn how to be a Dueltainer, but I didn't have a deck.

Sora: how do you expect to become a dueltainer if you don't even have a deck?

Arata: well at the time I wasn't thinking at the moment, when suddenly a big flash of light happened out of no where, and in my hand was a deck.

Sora: you must be pulling my chain teach, there's no way that a deck magically appeared out of no where.

Arata: believe it has you may, it happened, but enough about me, lets get back to you.

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