Chapter 17 - Fighting Desire

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He's Mine

Chapter 17 – Fighting Desire

“Who wants to go to the pier?”

Harmony lowered her sun glasses and glanced up at Dylan who was standing over the girls, all laid out on their beach towels, with an excited smile lighting his face. “I’ll go,” She said, sitting up and finding her shorts to slip on over her bikini bottoms.

“Anyone else?”

“Sure, why not,” Alex said, standing up and stretching out, wincing as the rocks dug into his feet.

“Either stand on a towel or wear shoes, this stones are horrible,” Katie pointed out, frowning. “I won’t be coming, want to soak up the sun while it lasts.”

“It’s only like twenty degrees,” Harmony said as she put on her vest top.

“Yes, and twenty is warm for English weather! Unlike you I didn’t get a holiday to Spain, so this is the best I’ve got.”

Harmony felt her stomach twist as she froze, unable to stop her mind as it went back to her two weeks in Spain. They certainly were hot…and just about the best two weeks holiday she’d had. She sighed and bent down to pick up her bag.

“Just me, Dylan, Connor and Alex?”

“Who said I was going?” Connor asked, appearing by her side.

She gave him a flat look. “No one, but you and Dylan follow each other like you’re connected at the hip.”

He thought about it for a moment before shrugging and patting his best friend heavily on the back. “Guess that’s true.”

“We’ll see you soon guys,” Harmony said, waving before starting to head off the beach, left to walk beside Alex as tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee rushed ahead.

“Having fun?” Alex asked, glancing to his side at Harmony. He wanted to turn her head to him, forcing her to look at him so he could get lost in her chocolate eyes.

“Yeah I am, sunbathing and stuff is so relaxing.”

“I know what you mean…” In truth, Alex was finding it anything but relaxing. His minds couldn’t stop comparing their visit to the beach to their holiday in Spain. Had it really been almost a month since they were away together? Three weeks since he saw her again, after thinking that he’d missed his chance completely?

He had to try again. He’d keep trying, trying to get through to her; he had to think of a plan.

“I want some noodles,” Harmony said as they came to the top of the pier. “The best ones are at the end of this pier.”

“I’ll take your word for it, lead the way.” Alex motioned with his hand, allowing Harmony to walk ahead for him as he let out a sigh, stuffing in hands in the pockets of his tanned shorts and pausing before following her trail.


7 hours later, all nine friends were sat in a restaurant. The pier trip had been short and simple, Harmony having as little contact with Alex as she could manage whilst Connor and Dylan went on every ride they could. Alex had tried to win Harmony a toy on the grabbing machines but had failed miserably, feeling more than disappointed that he couldn't present her with her very own toy won by him.

“So that’s…£14.60 each.” Bethany said, setting the bill on the table and pulling her handbag on her lap as she rummaged through to find her own purse. Everyone put the money in the middle of the table and Jordan made sure to count it so that she knew they had enough.

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